Category Gaming

Mostly video games

The Sims 3

You know, I had these grand plans of actually posting and updating this on a regular basis throughout the month of June; I even typed out a few post drafts. But then The Sims 3 came out (as well as…

QQ No BlizzCon Tickets For Me

Oh well, I’ll attend BlizzCon one of these days. This summer isn’t a great time for me to go anyways because of various real life circumstances. We’re still running a bit short for heroic Ulduar. In the mean time though,…

Musings: Memorable Fictional Weapons

I have an urge to post about something that isn’t related to the World of Warcraft for once. *gasp!* So: On combining basic weapon types to create even cooler weapons. The weapons are categorized according to their dominant property. For…

Fallout 3

I better post this article before it loses complete relevance. I am just too busy playing Fallout 3 to tend to my website. This review turned into an Oblivion/Fallout 3 comparison at some point. Anyway, don’t get me wrong; I…

WipEout HD

I have had more of a chance to play WipEout HD this weekend between Mega Man 9 sessions (and being sick, not feeling like going outside). WipEout HD is a gorgeous futuristic racing game that runs at a full 1080p…

Mega Man 9

It has been so long since I have played a game that was both legitimately difficult and fun. You see, I used to be good at Mega Man; there was a point, years ago in my childhood, where I could…

I Know What I’m Doing Tonight…

Holy banana bread, look what they’ve done. Now I am never going to finish my half-finished stack of games, with today’s PSN updates and all. Best PlayStation Store update week ever; my credit card is rearing ready to purchase Mega…

Playing & Watching: September 2nd

Game Tabs is my favorite website at the moment; It’s a huge resource for video game guitar tablature. I’ll make a, “photo blog” post either tonight or later this week. This will probably a semi-regular occurence depending on when I…

The Guardian Legend

A retro review! I loved this game as a child even though I am almost certain that no one else has played or heard of it. You can probably thank the horrid box art for its obscurity (US box vs…

Multi-Tasking in Games

I really liked this article because it’s true and brings up a gaming element that is often overlooked. They’re right, of any “modern” game that I’ve played (and remember…), World ofWarcraft is alt-tabbing perfection, it tasks in and out instantaneously.…