Category Gaming

Mostly video games

Initial Impression: Resistance Fall of Man

Resistance: Fall of Man, one of the Playstation 3 launch titles was inducted into the Greatest Hits line a couple of weeks ago. Setting wise, it feels like a cross between Call of Duty and the combine sections of Half-Life…

Save Points

Early console games either used a password based saving system or none at all. Later on, certain games (Final Fantasy for example) had a small battery, allowing game data to be saved aboard the cartridge’s RAM. Save points were used…

Keiya’s Favorite Game Endings

SPOILER ALERT! An article about game endings naturally spoils the endings to games. I know that there are more that should be mentioned, but there are quite a few games that I have never played, finished, or just don’t remember…

Playing: July 28th

I have interest in tinkering with this site again, hehe. Entering a general gaming lull: there’s not a whole lot new or interesting releases coming until Fall. WoW wise, I think expansionitis is setting in for half the server o_O.…

Playing: July 14th

I feel like blogging again. Super Stardust HD SSHD is an arcade style shooter (destroy anything that moves, collect power-ups, dodge anything that moves and isn’t a power-up) available on the PSN. Oh God it’s crack…and has over the past…

Happy June

Happy umm June! I had five or so half-completed entries milling on Google Docs for two months. By the time I got around to editing and reviewing them, all were out of date/irrelevant; Meh. Gaming stuff: I updated the guild…

The Belkin n52te

Earlier this year Belkin released the n52te, an updated version of the n52 gaming keypad that I wrote about last year. I caved in and bought it recently. The n52 is comfortable because it has an ergonomically designed hand rest…

WoW Update 10/30/07

I’ll get to responding to people and what not within the next day or two, after I tend to guild administrative stuff, which I am also behind in lol. Last week was hectic: I had to evacuate my residence on…

Gaming Rant: Stop Boring Me

So I have this big problem: I buy games but don't finish them. My shelf is full of first person shooters, RPGs, strategy games and the like for multiple platforms, all collecting dust. This was just going to be a…

Oblivion: Fighter’s Stronghold

I’ve written about Oblivion once or twice, so I suppose this bit of news is worth mentioning: There’s a new official Oblivion download available from the Bestheda site and it’s free until next Monday (the 22nd of October). The Fighter’s…