Category BlizzCon

On BlizzCon 2015

Caught up on gaming news recently and noticed that not only had BlizzCon 2015 had been announced, but the tickets are going up for sale in just under a month. For $200 a piece. I have absolutely no doubt that tickets…

Blizzard Fortress 2

Well, I can’t say that I was expecting Overwatch or even a game like Overwatch to be announced at BlizzCon this year, but I was really hoping that new intellectual property would be announced and that is exactly what I…

BlizzCon 2011: Ticket Success

Success! It looks like we are actually going be able to go this year! I was number 700 in queue, a marked improvement over last year’s position at 5k. The maximum number of tickets allowed per transaction was reduced from…


Guess what I will be doing this Saturday morning? I was #5,808 in line and I clicked the very second that it popped. Well, slightly less than the very second (had to select ‘2’ from the dropdown menu). Some of…

BlizzCon: Part 2

This post is more about my opinions regarding the expansion than about the convention I guess. I am interested in seeing how Tauren Paladins, Gnome Priests and Troll Druids will come about lore wise. Most of the other new class…

BlizzCon: Part 1

Note: The image effects aren’t loading for some pictures, I don’t know why. Also, I have more pictures up in the BlizzCon gallery. I’ll finish labeling and adding descriptions to them all later. TL;DR: BlizzCon was a lot of fun,…

BlizzCon Post Coming Soon

Eep, well, the supposed Keiya BlizzCon Twitter feed didn’t work out. There was free WiFi all over the area, but I opted to socialize and enjoy the events instead of hunching over my iTouch. Beh, it’s not as if there…

BlizzCon Tomorrow!

BlizzCon is but less than a day away! I was going to be in OC today to pick-up my badge and meet-up with people, but I had errands to run and stuff like that, so I’m heading over tomorrow morning.…