Category Gaming

Mostly video games

Dabbling With Aion

Ignore the frequent theme changes. I’m playing again and am too lazy at the moment to use the dev site. I better post this entry before I get busy again. Delayed is better than never! I compulsively bought Aion off…

Fall 09: Things That I Will Post

I have a couple of things that I want to post about within reasonable time when I’m not so real life busy. So, this is my late October and Early November tentative post schedule: Keiya’s New Raiding UI Version 3.2,…

geoDefense Swarm

geoDefense Swarm by Critical Thought Games is finally up on the iTunes app store now. It’s an open level version of the original game; So instead of blasting creeps along a single pre-defined path, it is up to you to…

BlizzCon: Part 2

This post is more about my opinions regarding the expansion than about the convention I guess. I am interested in seeing how Tauren Paladins, Gnome Priests and Troll Druids will come about lore wise. Most of the other new class…

BlizzCon: Part 1

Note: The image effects aren’t loading for some pictures, I don’t know why. Also, I have more pictures up in the BlizzCon gallery. I’ll finish labeling and adding descriptions to them all later. TL;DR: BlizzCon was a lot of fun,…

BlizzCon Post Coming Soon

Eep, well, the supposed Keiya BlizzCon Twitter feed didn’t work out. There was free WiFi all over the area, but I opted to socialize and enjoy the events instead of hunching over my iTouch. Beh, it’s not as if there…

BlizzCon Tomorrow!

BlizzCon is but less than a day away! I was going to be in OC today to pick-up my badge and meet-up with people, but I had errands to run and stuff like that, so I’m heading over tomorrow morning.…

Review: Razer Carcharias

I have a small headphone fetish and apparently cannot function without being able to properly listen to my music wherever I go. I have a pair for every occasion: At home/work, on the go, running and Ventrilo. If you wear…

The Summer Slump

I am in full summer mode at the moment, just in case it wasn’t fairly obvious already lol. Expect err, the number of non-WoW related postings to increase a bit. About half of my guild and seemingly a good chunk…

Review: Betrayal at Krondor

Betrayal at Krondor is a longstanding PC favorite of mine. It’s an older (1993) DOS based PC roleplaying-game, developed by Dynamix and published by Sierra On-Line. The game events occur in the rich and detailed fantasy world of Midkemia, the…