Diablo III Season 5 and FFXIV

I am making a feeble attempt at posting more often.

I had an odd urge and almost MMO relapsed into resubscribing to Final Fantasy XIV a couple of days ago. But, I had remembered how much of a drag early combat was and how much of the main quest line was gated fairly early on in the game. It’s not necessarily that bad of a thing to force people to run instances early on in the game I guess, but it’s not really what I was looking for. I had every intent on enjoying the game solo and then grouping for middle-high levelish instances with the intent of eventually finding a suitable guild, etc. Well, that and newbie instances are such a drag.

Everyone says that Final Fantasy XIV’s story is really good but do they mean good as in on par with narrative games or good as in not shit/decent for an MMO? I am legitimately curious. If I had a regular group of people also leveling through FFXIV, I am sure that the game would be much more fun. But that said, I am not sure I am interested in playing an MMO at the moment anyway.

I did however, pick up Diablo III. My husband was so kind as to power level my season 5 crusader to level 70 paragon 100+ so that we can play together in some capacity. The downside of course of power leveling a class being that I have limited knowledge as to what exactly I am supposed to be doing with my crusader.

Diablo III isn’t exactly that complicated game so at this point, I am sure it is a matter of sorting through the mounds of phat lootz and set items, picking out the best ones/gemming/re-rolling stats, and then basing a build off of that. I can at least, not be insta-gibbed while being carried through some of the harder rifts though jumping into Torment X was a bit…much lol. TL;DR: Pew pew pew with friends = much fun.

[FFRK] Ultimate Maduin

The Internet was right, Maduin wasn’t a very hard ultimate fight. After dealing with back-to-back Beatrix and Vossler, it’s nice having an easy one for once. His damage output is a joke until the end of the fight as long as you have some mitigation up. Magic Seal is mildly irritating, but it with decent enough damage output, it doesn’t last long enough to be that much of a threat. Here is the team that I went with:

 Character  Weapon  Ability 1  Ability 2  Record Materia
 Cloud  Kotetsu (VI)  Lifesiphon  Thundaga Strike  Ace Striker
 Celes  Rune Blade (VI)  Fire Strike  Blizarra Strike  Pride of the Red Wings
 Edgar  Blazefire Saber (XIII)+  Armor Strike  Banishing Strike  Bastion
 Setzer  Zantetsuken (VI)  Magic Breakdown  Power Breakdown  Zeal
 Aerith  Sage’s Staff (V)  Curaja  Shellga  Dr. Mog’s Teachings

Roaming Warrior: Tyro (Sentinal’s Grimoire)
Notable Soul Breaks: Planet Protector, Blade Beam

I don’t have much to say about this encounter as there was not a whole lot of finesse required: I just applied mitigation at the beginning of the fight and then again after mass dispel. He casts Mass Dispel after Chaos Wave. As long as you time it and get your mitigation up ASAP, it’s no big deal. Aside from that, powered him down with PP and Blade Beam towards the end of the fight per usual. It’s worth noting that I do have decent weapon synergy for Final Fantasy VI.

Small tangent: Armor Strike is an ability that I find myself using more and more. It is perfect for situations where there isn’t a synergy weapon to around for each character. It doesn’t have a secondary benefit such as Lifesiphon or dismissal per se, but having DEF based damage means that Armor Strike provides super beefy damage characters that aren’t going to compete with other characters for ATK gear. That and it’s really great for Pecil with Sentinal. I really like Pecil so any excuse to use him is a bonus

Odds and Ends: February 2016

I have been on a mild Final Fantasy binge lately that may or may not have been at least partially inspired by my fixation with Final Fantasy Record Keeper.

Final Fantasy Tactics
This title went on sale on the App Store a long-ass time ago and has been shamefully sitting on my phone untouched for well over a year, if not more. Given that Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced is one of my all time favorite handheld titles, I am unsure why it has taken me this long to finally play this game. I actually own the PSX game; I think it was gifted to me like 15 years ago and chance.

The great thing about turn based mission based games is that they are very easy to pick up and set down as time dictates. As such, FFT is now my preferred lunch time and couch time game. Decent plot, fun game, decent port, despite the fact that it hasn’t been updated in about two years. I haven’t played Final Fantasy Tactics A2 either. I may treat myself after beating this game

Final Fantasy Explorers
Final Fantasy classes and abilities + Monster Hunter + Basic MMO grinding = this game. It’s a grindy handheld action RPG with a plot that is vague at best. I like it, but it may not be everyone’s cup of tea.

Dwarf Fortress
I have played through several fortresses at this point. In regards to Outpost Stizashoddom from my previous posts: Ultimately, Kol the Possessed One ended up going insane because I was unable to construct a metal forge to fulfill his needs. He was promptly smothered to death by his peers, thus ending both his murderous rage as well as his short life. The fortress was forced retired after accidentally digging a staircase wrong and trapping/starving the only dwarves in the fortress with a pining pick. It unfortunately, created a situation in which I was literally unable to do much of anything.

My second fortress survived a while longer, including long bloody winter in which a third of the population was killed during goblin siege. They held out but never fully recovered and perished the following year during a second siege. Ultimately, my downfall (one of them) was not having a self sustaining source of water during the winter. Future fortress incarnations were built on a map with a river or some constant source of water. Still need to work on building a pump/reservoir system.

[FFRK] Ultimate Vossler

Knowing that Vossler was a tough fight, I wanted to start on him as soon as possible instead of waiting until the last ass minute as I did with Beatrix. I also figured that this post might be more useful not being posted on the last day of the event. Vossler wasn’t as difficult as I thought he was going to be. Once I had the right party configuration, it was a one shot. In summary: Super tank Pencil + Heroic Harmony + Unyielding Fist = trivial fight.

I usually don’t like using the cheese tactics but after Beatrix, I feel as if I deserve a small break. Having Heroic Harmony, Protectga, Steal Power, and Sentinel’s DEF buff however, increased Pecil’s mitigation and decreased Vossler’s attack so much that I am confident I could have mastered the fight without the need of Galuf’s RW cheese. So will I go back and do the fight sans Galuf? Well, we will have to see about that. This was the team that I used:

 Character  Weapon  Ability 1  Ability 2  Record Materia
 Cloud  Blazefire Saber (FF13)  Lifesiphon  Bladeblitz  Dragoon’s Determination
 Balthier  Ras Algethi (FF12)  Steal Power  Tempo Flurry  Master Sniper
 Pecil  Aegis Killer (FF12)  Draw Fire  Dispel  Bastion
 Ashe  Must Stick (FF12)  Ruinga  Meteor  Witch of Succession
 Mog  Save Staff (FF5)  Renewing Cure  Protectga  Mako Might

Roaming Warrior:  Galuf (Unyielding Fist)
Notable Soul Breaks: Heroic Harmony, Blade Beam, Sentinel
Other Soul Breaks: Soothing Aroma, Tides of Fate

Since an AoE heal + regen wasn’t necessary for once and even detrimental to the fight, Lenna and her lovely SB were not needed. I tried a couple of rounds with Aerith instead of Mog for Planet Protector and Fran instead of Cloud, because I wanted to know if RS + Full Break + Defense Breakdown made up for the DPS loss. It did not, particularly towards the end of the fight where SSB spam was necessary as it usually is to finish off the boss. Keep in mind that you do have to use Dispel in order to meet the medal requirement. Banishing Strike does not count :/

Vossler’s encounter isn’t very RNG heavy like most of the other Utimate Fights. There is a bit of timing involved with getting mitigation setup properly before he starts instagibbing people with triple/quad strike, but it’s not nearly as hairy as Beatrix’s Climhazzard. Vossler is however, very much an HP management fight. The trick to CT0 is that he will cast it on the character that has the highest HP percentage (unsure if it’s only the first attack that is like this or all of them). It is not avoidable with retaliate nor is it tauntable. It’s very tempting to heal everyone up to full towards the end of the fight, but you will want to keep enough of an HP gap between your tank and the rest of the party to allow for some leeway. Curaja is likely going to heal the non-Cecil party members too much so you may want to use Curaga or Renewing Cure instead.

Other than CT0, Vossler was a fairly vanilla fight in almost every aspect, to the point where I was wondering if this encounter even was the ultimate fight, until the point at which he started triple and quadruple striking people to death that is. Also, the target scores are kind of annoying…ability tetris. I took a gamble and used Tempo Flurry to fulfill the slow criteria instead of using something more reliable like Slowga. Luckily it proc’d on the first hit. I have had other runs in the past where it just slow just wouldn’t proc at all. My fight more or less went as follows:

Until the adds are down:
Cloud: Bladeblitz the adds down
Balthier: Steal Power on Voss then Tempo Flurry the adds to apply slow
Pecil: Draw Fire then auto attack or Dispel to build SB bar
Ashe: Ruinga until Slow hits then Meteor to burn them down
Mog: Protectga, Heroic Harmony, then Renewing Cure spam

First turn after the adds are down:
Cloud: Lifesiphon spam to build SB bar
Balthier: Refresh Steal Power as needed, otherwise Tempo Flurry pew pew
Pecil:  Sentinal, Dispel as needed
Ashe: Meteor/Ruinga spam
Mog: Renewing Cure

Phase 3 (somewhere between 40% and 50%)
Cloud: Blade Beam Spam
Balthier: Continue refreshing Steal Power as needed. Spam Tides of Fate
Pecil: Unyielding Fist, Dispel haste ASAP
Ashe: Continue Meteor/Ruinga spamming. Pop Soothing Aroma if everyone gets low but watch Pecil’s HP. He MUST remain #1 in HP%.
Mog: Refresh Protectga, keep Pecil topped off, Heroic Harmony

[FFRK] Ultimate Beatrix

God. What a pain in the ass. I have a fairly okay set of gear and set of Soul Breaks (minus 2/3 of the holy trinity. No natural hastega or wall) and this one was barely doable. I am not even sure if this one is doable without at least a natural medica and possibly AoE regen without a thousand S/Ls. Beatrix is guaranteed to cast at least two Climhazzards at scripted points during the fight. The trick is to watch her health bar. When the bar touches her toes she will cast it. Climhazzard is NAT damage that cannot be avoided or mitigated.

She is also guaranteed to cast Stock Break several turns after Climhazzard which will do AoE physical damage as well as sap all characters. Sap needs to be removed ASAP before the second Climhazzard goes off otherwise instadeath will occur at the first damage tick. Stock Break is straight up physical damage so normal avoidance tactics apply (retaliate, etc). After numerous party configurations this is the team that I went with:

Character Ability 1 Ability 2 Record Materia
 Cloud  Lifesiphon  Drain Strike  Ace Striker
 Steiner  Armor Strike  Banishing Strike  Bastion
 Yuffie  Steal Power  Shadowsteel  Heroic Stance
 Aerith  Renewing Cure  Haste  Dr. Mog’s Teachings
 Lenna  Renewing Cure  Protectga  Mako Might

Roaming Warrior: Hymn of the Faith
Notable Soul Breaks: Blade Beam, Princess’s Favor, Planet Protector, Dragon Force
Notable Weapons: Ultima Sword

  • Dragon Force: This actually ended up being a crucial spell because it completely negated Stock Break, saving me the hassle of burning a RW or SB charge to heal/regen sap off of everyone before Climhazzard #2. In all honesty, I had forgotten that I even had this SB. If I had remembered and realized that it cancelled out Stock Break, much time would have been saved…
  • Planet Protector: Used it before Climhazzard #2 (if I recall correctly, the turn after popping Dragon Force). Allowed for massive Blade Beam spammage at maximum damage to burn her down.
  • Shadowsteel: Spam this in the beginning to get her sapped as soon as possible; It does around 4k a tick. Though 4k may not seem to be a lot of damage, overtime it adds up.
  • Banishing Strike: Fulfills the holy damage medal requirement and also dispels. Beatrix doesn’t cast Holy that often but when she does, she tends to bounce it off of her self. Keep in mind that Dispel only removes positive effects so it won’t remove Sap, etc.
  • Haste: I had Aerith haste everyone before the first Climhazzard. I managed to squeeze in a refresh on Cloud during the last half of the fight.
  • Steal Power/Protectga: Most of her attacks are physical damage. The ones that aren’t are either NAT or holy. So in other words, don’t bother bringing Shellga or Magic Breakdown. Protectga was cast once towards the beginning of the fight and then again at the half way point.
  • Armor Strike: New ability, also a medal requirement. Really liking this ability so far; It’s damage multiplier is based off of DEF instead of ATK. I stacked Steiner with as much DEF gear as possible and kept his HP topped off so that he could soak Shock. Decent damage with enough DEF.

Overall, the trick was to remove the RNG deaths from Holy and Shock during the later half of the fight. Holy isn’t used very often but can dealt with by keeping reflect dispelled (luckily it’s not refreshed often, assuming it’s scripted in at a certain turn). Shock is cast on the character with the highest HP. As long as Steiner was topped off, it wasn’t a big deal. Tried the Retaliate cheese strategy but it was too RNG dependent (unlucky Holy and Shock hits…) and irritating to time.

[FFRK] Sins of the Father (Ultimate)

Ultimate Godo was probably the easiest Ultimate to date aside from Advantaliate cheesing Yunalesca. It is worth noting however that FFVII is by far the realm that I have the strongest synergy with. He was basically brute forced down.

Godo was beaten but not mastered on the first attempt because I ate a string of bad AoEs at the very end of the fight which killed Barret. I did master it using the same party configuration during another attempt. With the recent introduction of the orb exchange and shatter mechanics, it was very easy to hone Shadowsteel to R3. It was also a good thing that I did so because Sap only proc’d on the very last charge on all boss attempts. It is a shame that it did not proc sooner because sap does around 4k a tick. Party used:

haracter Ability 1 Ability 2 Record Materia
 Cloud  Lifesiphon  Drain Strike  Ace Striker
 Barret  Magic Breakdown  Full Break  Thief’s Code
 Yuffie  Dismissal  Shadowsteel  Sky Pirate’s Pride
 Red XIII  Power Breakdown  Armor Breakdown  Zeal
 Aerith  Renewing Cure  Shellga  Planet Guardian

Roaming Warrior: Sentinal’s Grimoire
Notable Soul Breaks: Blade Beam, Planet Protector
Notable Weapons: Organics, Gatling Gun, Silver Barrette, Aurora Rod

  • Red XIII was used as a Black Mage for the other Bonus Battles and as a support bot for Godo. I had forgotten to remove him from the back row when setting this party up. Whoops. I think hairpins are melee? Well, go go synergy and Planet Protector for making up the damage loss.
  • Shellga and Sentinal’s Grimoire were sufficient mitigation to keep everyone alive but just barely towards the end of the fight. Using Renewing Cure over Curaja did help a bit because the regen effect will cancel out the poison effect.
  • Haste RM on 3/5 characters = poor man’s hasteaga I guess.
  • Full Break and Armor Breakdown really softened him up. With Planet Protector, even back row melee Red XIII was hitting for around 8k or so a pop.
  • Oh man, Lifesiphon is a fantastic ability if you have a 4*+ combat character with a good SB (preferably multi-hit non-elemental damage). Having Ace Striker and Lifesiphon on Cloud meant that I could use Blade Beam for 3×9999 damage every third turn.

Round 1
Cloud: Lifesiphon
Barret: Full Break
Yuffie: Shadowsteel
Red XIII: Sentinal’s Grimoire
Aerith: Shellga

Round 2+
Cloud: Lifesiphon until SB is charged, use Blade Beam, repeat. Drain Strike if low to alleviate healing duties.
Barret: Full Break, Magic Breakdown, Magic Breakdown, Full Break. Use Full Break roughly every 25% health
Yuffie: Spam Shadowsteel until Sap procs then spam Dismissal
Red XIII: Alternate between Power Breakdown and Armor Breakdown
Aerith: Try to cast Planet Protector when possible. Otherwise, heal bot.

Sentinal’s Grimoire was cast at the beginning of the fight and then half way through the fight. I also recast Shellga at approximately the half point as well. Drain Strike and Dismissal can be replaced with whatever you feel is more suitable as both are filler abilities. Overall, the real MVPs of this fight are: Realm synergy, orb exchanging, and Lifesiphon + SSB spam.

Dwarf Fortress: Chapter 2

Today I learned that fortresses have names. So, welcome to Outpost Stizashoddom. Population 7.

DF-189-04-12-MenuAt this (early early) point in the game, I have started breaking away from the tutorials now that I have become somewhat self sufficient by learning to produce food, build things, etc. I still don’t have much of an idea in regards to what I should be doing or preparing for but I figured that sporadic wiki searching + figuring it out on my own is more fun than following a step by step tutorial.

I dug out a dedicated section for living quarters on level B1 and moved all of the beds over from the B2 dormitory. Dwarves, like the rest of us, seem to enjoy having their own living quarters. Each room is 2×2 and contains a bed, chest, and a door. I have also created separate stockpiles for wood, food, and furniture (room to the right of the bedrooms). It’s a bit easier to keep track of items visually, now that everything isn’t lumped together in one room.


The south most room in level B2 is now a dedicated eating area. The north most room now containing a mason let workshop.The fortress is layed out in a somewhat random manner but it is what it is


I noticed that my stockpiles had a weird purpley icon on them that I haven’t seen before. Upon further inspection, it appears that they are hamster remains. According to the Internet, vermin remains do not generate miasma (whatever that does sounds not so good), so it may not matter I guess? Regardless, I wouldn’t want hamster remains in MY stockpiles. Pretty sure that I need to adjust where refuse is kept or something along those lines


Since my fortress is essentially a giant open hole in the ground, I built this wall thing around the entrance area. I am not sure how one would go about making a gate at this point. I queued up several doors at the woodworking station but for some reason the dwarf assigned to said station has been on “break” for about a month.


High points so far: A few of the bedrooms have been claimed so that dwarves are actually sleeping on actual comfy beds and not in the designated common area on B2. A few migrates have arrived, adding to the population. Have not starved to death or otherwise. Well, other than animals that is. A Donkey and a Water Buffalo Cow starved to death :<


My stockpile records are lacking. The game recommended that I assign a bookkeeper. So, Ducim Buzatducim is now the official bookkeeper by virtue of random assignment. Both bookkeeper and expedition leader are titles of nobility. As such, both Ducim and Datan will require special quarters (pictured below, to the left side of the fortress). I also assigned a random dwarf to the title of manager because I wanted to see what that did. At some point in the game I may have to shuffle titles of nobility around to dwarves who posses actual skills relevant for that office.

Also, certain offices apparently need to have a study in order to function. For lack of a better place to put them, I built a manager’s office and a bookkeeper’s office somewhat mixed into the nobility quarters. A single chair, preferably not overlapping with any other function (such as dining or bedroom) is all that is needed for a study. As you can see below, all rooms are way bigger than they need to be. There’s not a whole lot that I can do about that at the moment I guess.

Offices and stuff

Kol Emalushat has been possessed! I don’t have any clue as to what that means but I guess we will find out during my next play session.


FFRK Errata: Orb Farming, Yunalesca, Etc

Most of yesterday’s stamina was dedicated to Record Materia farming in the FFII dungeons with not much luck. Still need to do Rubicante Ultimate. For his fight I am thinking mage meta with Vaan to Steal when he cloaks and hit him with Magic Breakdown. If I recall correctly Rubicante counters physical attacks so I will probably have to shelf the usual suspects.

Leviathan and Major Ice Orbs
I went through a big effort to scrounge for the last 4 Major Ice Orbs needed to hone Full Break to R2; The last boss completed being Leviathan. It’s not so much that Leviathan was that much of a pain in the ass as it was mostly mastering the trash while not burning through to many ability uses. I was ready to burn a Mithril if need be but alas, it was not needed.

I didn’t have enough room for Carbuncle, but Sentinals’ Grimoire allowed everyone to stay alive long enough for Lenna to cast reflect on everyone. A few S/Ls were needed to reflect Leviathan before he started buffing himself.

I did run out of most abilities and ended up scratching my way through the last quarter of Leviathan. Gilgamesh’s self sustaining tauntaliate, Cloud’s Blade Beam, and Rinoa’s Angel Wing Bolt were the real MVPs of the fight. Honed Full Break about 2 weeks ago. Haven’t really needed it since :/

Yunalesca and friends
What an odd set of encounters, almost all of which are trivialized by Advantaliate or otherwise. For a super easy Yunalesca U master, it really did work like a charm. No wall, no hasteaga, no healing needed.

Dwarf Fortress: Chapter 1

Started playing Dwarf Fortress. I am using the Lazynewb pack with one of the included graphical tilesets, which makes it a bit more digestible for a new player. Achievements for today’s game progress include: Figuring out how to not starve over the course of x game months, brewing alcohol, assigning a bedroom. As you can see, not what I would consider the best and most robust fortress design but hey I figured out how to build something! (With the help of a tutorial).


…and here would be the aforementioned bedroom (giant room to the right). It is way too big. I had attempted to correct it by building walls around each of the beds but it looks even weirder now. In the future I will probably section off an area at the end of a long hallway with a bunch of either 1×1 or 2×2 rooms. I haven’t figured out what to do with the animals yet and am surprised that they are still alive. That shall be tonight’s project.


Odds and Ends: January 2016

Both Christmas and New Years were awesome. This week has also been awesome albeit cold and rainy; More so the latter. As a whole, there has been more media consumption than gaming lately.

The Internet really seems to like this show. Steins;Gate gas a decent plot and fairly original as far as anime goes at least. The story ties most everything together and wraps itself up neatly. The characters are average to mildly annoying as they all seem to over exaggerated tropes.

If there was one thing that I really disliked about the series it would be it’s pace: Steins;Gate takes about 10 episodes to really get started. Given that it is a 24 episode show, that would be about half the series. Overall, if I had to give it a rating I would say that it is either a solid B or a B-.

This game was my one and only purchase from the Steal Sale. I am having trouble getting into Undertale but I have only really dedicated a grand total of 30 minutes to the game so there’s that. Today was supposed to be a play Undertale, clean the entire house, do errands day. It ended up being a watch #AGDQ2016 on Twitch and play with the cat day.

The Walking Dead Season 6
Caught up with The Walking Dead. You know that you have been watching too much of this show when you start using free head space to evaluate the structures around you for their zombie resistance rating.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens
I was planning on writing on a lengthier post on The Force Awakens but… holidays. As a side note, I think we have passed the point in our lives where we are willing to attend any movie midnight showing unless there is a strong social incentive. So like old people, we attended the first showing of the day at the local theater on the Saturday after it was released. Without spoiling anything: Movie nitpicks aside, went in with very few expectations, came out thoroughly pleased.