


I Want My Badge Loot, Hurry!

Wow, status on the SSO badge vendor is at 14%. It was at 0% as of 10pm last night (phase 3 popped at around 9pm). We really want our badge loot lol. Last night Drysc, a “blue” posted on my…

Patch 2.4 Musings

Magister’s Terrace, the new 5-man instance is fun. We ran it a few times this weekend, on both normal and heroic. On normal, the difficulty and loot are roughly equivalent to a low end heroic. On heroic, the difficulty and…

Cheap Raid Consumables

All of the WoW item mouseover links will completely break until I update all of the tags. All of the entry images will too until I do the same. I’m going to probably also condense some of the guides (like…

Update 2/25/2008

Gruul is on farm (took a 2-month 25-man raid break during December and January), working on SSC and soon TK (flu hit key raid members this weekend, boo). We’ve been holding off-raid night Karazhan farming runs for alts and people…

WoW Web Stats

If you don’t already use it, WoW Web Stats is an excellent performance analysis tool. It’s probably the most accurate and detailed out of all the current mods and combat log parsers out there. It doesn’t display information in…

WoW Update: 1/14/2008

The forums have changed yet again. Toying with new software. I’ve picked up quiet a few items since the last time I’ve posted: The Pauldons of Stone Resolve from the timed chest event in Zul’Aman, the tanking boots from the…

Ugly Healing Gear and Jan’alai

Soaked up a few pieces for my offhealing set: [Spaulders of the Advocate] off of Halazzi and [Mojo-mender’s Mask] off of Akil’zon. I am not honestly sure what either is supposed to be, the shoulders look like, as a guildy…

More Cowbell

I have new computer toys: An EVGA 512MB 8800gt Superclocked video card and a PC Power & Cooling Silencer 750w PSU. Crysis runs smoothly with 4x AA and all of the settings on high at 1280×960. Every other non-Crysis game…

Zul’Aman: Halazzi Strategy

Halazzi is more or less a, “tank n’ spank gear check add fight”. Have your off-tank pickup the Spirit of Halazzi immediately, have your melee DPS focus on taking down the totems as soon as they pop, and have healers…

Tankadin Build (Patch 2.3)

0 Holy/49 Protection/12 Retribution This build is specifically for raid tanking, as everything is built around maximizing health/mitigation, easing uncrushability gearing and threat generation. There are plenty of great protection builds for more hybrid healing or DPS roles, but…