I Want My Badge Loot, Hurry!

Wow, status on the SSO badge vendor is at 14%. It was at 0% as of 10pm last night (phase 3 popped at around 9pm). We really want our badge loot lol. Last night Drysc, a “blue” posted on my realm forums congratulating us on being the first to hit Phase 3. Good job Proudmoore, the server that never sleeps. We love our oceanic players Greasemonkey, an addon which allows you to customize the way you display any webpage using bits of JavaScipt. One of the scripts for this plug-in will parse any wowhead link on any age (that you wish the script to parse), adding the tooltops. Neat! By default it is enabled on the Blizzard sites.

Oh, and kudos to Blizzard for possible the best April Fools Day gags ever. I laughed pretty hard at the Molten Core console game…

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