


WoW Update: Naxxramas

Gah, holiday, real life business, as well as a general posting apathy has set in lol. Anyway, we are back in the swing of things raiding wise: 10-man Naxxramas cleared, 10-man Obsidian Sanctum cleared, 25-man Spider Wing, Plague Wing and…

Winterveil Achievement Guide

The holiday season isn’t that far away. ’tis the season to achievement farm! The following quests are requirements for the Merrymaker achievement, which in itself is a requirement for the What A Long, Strange Trip It’s Been achievement, which rewards…

Musings: Memorable Fictional Weapons

I have an urge to post about something that isn’t related to the World of Warcraft for once. *gasp!* So: On combining basic weapon types to create even cooler weapons. The weapons are categorized according to their dominant property. For…

Retribution Gear Want List

Whenever a guild heroic group is formed the conversation goes something like this: “Where do you all want to go?” “I don’t know, what instances does everyone need?” “What do you need from heroic <x>?” …and then every single time…

WoW Update: Post Turkey Day Edition

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. I have been “busy” with instancing and reputation grinding lol. I finally got my Red Drake mount last week! In theory it would have been better to focus on factions that give usable…

Thoughts on Icecrown

Zone spoilers ahead: Icecrown is obviously designed for flying mounts, with the dramatic geography and quest hubs huddled way up in the mountain ranges, a fairly new concept seeing as flying wasn’t available until level 70 in the previous expansion.…

Level 80 Crit Cap = 540

Crits hurt. Your first gearing priority as a tank should be to become uncrittable. The formula: (83*5)+(5) = 540 Defense Skill. Remember that 540 is the crit cap as in, the cap for mitigating critical strikes. 540 is not a…

Yay Heroics

I hit level 80 at around 5pm on Saturday and then started running heroics an hour later when more level 80 guild members logged on. I might have rushed through 79 for the sake of catching up with everyone >_<.…