The 2013 Steam Winter Sale

One of my personal mantras has always been, “just because you can does not mean that you should.” Just because you can you can light your groin on fire and dance in the streets, does not mean that you should: Within the scope of personal finance, specially say, Steam: Just because a game is on … Read more

Animal Crossing New Leaf: House Tour

I am mildly obsessed with Animal Crossing New Leaf. Currently sitting at about 170.2k HHA points and working on expanding the rest of my house. The entry room contains the full exotic set as well as several other harmonious item sets. When I get around to building and expanding the right room on the first … Read more

Airsoft Helmet Version 2

A new ops-core replica helmet was purchased on Black Friday. I feel that several key points were achieved: The new helmet is a better fit to my head. The new helmet is in my preferred color, flat earth. So no more janky spraypaint jobs. Yay. I removed the lower face pro straps from the swivel … Read more

Odds and Ends: November 23rd

Here is just about every arbitrary interest from the past week or so. Also do you know what day it is today? Today is Doctor Who Day. Watching Per a coworker’s recommendation, I have been avidly watching Once Upon a Time on Netflix. Though it does not quite fill the gaping void that Breaking Bad … Read more

Animal Crossing: Guilt

I loaded Animal Crossing: New Leaf for the for the sake of claiming my birthday gifts today. A brief pang of guilt was felt for having effectively abandoned my cute little town for the past two or so odd months to play GTA, Pokemon, Hearthstone, among other things. Pleased to find that not only had … Read more

Warlords of Draenor

So the new WoW expansion is as expected, WoD: Warlords of Draenor or more accurately: Way Over Due. I really was not expecting to be this excited about the WoW expansion. Truth be told, I wasn’t even planning on returning to the game or buying it at all because let’s be honest; While the last … Read more

Hearthstone Impressions

Despite early technical difficulties, I was able to finally complete the tutorial and proceed with the rest of the game. Hearthstone is amazingly polished, from the animations and sound effects down to the clickies on each of the game boards. I really love how well the WoW class flavors have been transferred over to each … Read more

The World Ends With You

This post is in regards to the Nintendo DS version by the way; Couldn’t quite bring myself to spend $20 on an iPhone app. I find it difficult to sustain long term gameplay on my phone for multiple reasons, not limited to it being not the most comfortable gaming medium and somewhat distracting, given that … Read more