Odds and Ends: October 3rd

Not so much gaming this week other than GTA on and off.

  • So apparently Valve filed a trademark for Half-Life 3? Popular speculation is that HL3 could be one of the native AAA titles for SteamOS but that, and really anything else, is just speculation at this point. Hell it could and likely to be honest, means absolutely nothing at all. I’ve been hurt before Valve. It’s most likely fake.
  • Without saying anything specific to spoil the episode: The Breaking Bad finale was quite satisfying. I am pleased with how the show concluded.
  • Cautiously excited about Mighty No. 9.
  • Cautiously disappointed with Thief 4 based on the bits and pieces that I have seen and heard. It kind of seems like it is turning into a generic third person action game with a stealth element which is exactly what I did not want from a thief game. I mean, I am sure it will be a decent game overall but as a pure stealth Thief game? Maybe not so much but we’ll see.
  • I have a strong feeling that GTA online is going to kind of suck for a bit until the servers stabilize. Prediction confirmed…
  • I had the most excellent day of airsoft Sunday despite my GoPro deciding to take a massive shit on me by only recording the first 16 minutes of footage (pretty sure I accidentally put a mostly discharged battery in, whoops). So no break dance fight footage for me. Sad panda.

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