Odds and Ends: November 23rd

Here is just about every arbitrary interest from the past week or so. Also do you know what day it is today? Today is Doctor Who Day.


  • Per a coworker’s recommendation, I have been avidly watching Once Upon a Time on Netflix. Though it does not quite fill the gaping void that Breaking Bad left in the time that I allocate to television dramas, it is entertaining enough for what it is. I think I like season 1 more than season 2, but whatever. Also as a side effect: Sudden urge to watch old Disney cartoons.
  • Next up on queue would be The Walking Dead or Sons of Anarchy. I felt that season 2 of TWD was fairly mediocre and dropped the show. I have also read the comics through approximately where season 2 ended so I am sure that has something to do with it.
  • Archer is really funny.
  • Anime: Toying the idea of a Crunchyroll subscription but I am not sure there is enough anime on there that I would watch to warrant yet another subscription service. To watch: Kill a la Kill and Space Brothers.


  • Have actually started playing Animal Crossing again.
  • Will soon pick up Pokemon X again and finish it when my attention span cycles around to it. Awesome game overall, greatly improved from its predecessors (from what I understand. The last Pokemon game I played was literally Pokemon Red). Why is movement in this game so janky though?
  • I kind of want the new Zelda game but kind of need to finish the rest of the handheld games that I have purchased first.
  • I have absolutely zero wish to purchase any of the new consoles because there is absolutely nothing that I wish to play on them. I guess I will probably buy one at some point, most likely whenever Kingdom Hearts III is released.

Women’s Wallets Suck
I am looking for an inexpensive leather slim wallet that will hold: Approximately 1 to 2 bills (at most), 4 cards, and maybe 1 or 2 miscellaneous items such as slips of paper etc. I prefer wallets with a dedicated ID window but it is not a deal breaker. It must however be leather because that’s just how I roll; It also must be durable, well constructed, thin enough to fit in the front pocket of my girly jeans, and not retardedly stiff. I am willing to pay more money for a wallet of exceptional quality, but it must not be stupid expensive; There’s no need to spend serious cash on a designer item that stays in my purse/pants. This is the wallet that I am considering.

I am looking to purchase an entry/mid-level DSLR or mirrorless camera for both traveling and casual hobby related photography. I have been looking into one on-and-off for years, but I kind of need to buy one within the next 6 months, preferably by the end of the year so that I can spend some time with it actually learn how to use it. Realistically, I am just beginning to dip my toes into actually doing more than pointing and shooting with my cellphone or current camera. I want a camera that will stay with me a while and have a lot of room for growth yet will not be too difficult or too advanced for a relative beginner to use. Form factor is also a concern since I will be traveling and possibly hiking etc with it. Setting a general budget at $800 but that’s pretty flexible figure.

As such, I am leaning towards purchasing a mirrorless camera instead of a DSLR. I would also like a fully articulating or at least tiltable screen, but that feature is not a deal breaker. The front runner so far is the Sony NEX-6.

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