Month April 2010

The Voice of Deconstructor

[video:] Hey! It’s the guy who voiced XT002-Deconstructor. Apparently the boss is voiced by a dude by the name of Kevin Delaney who had no idea his voice over had become a small WoW pop culture phenomenon. I’ve kind of…

The Sims 3: Constant Game Crash Fix

If you are running a system with more than sufficient memory, are absolutely positive that it isn’t a hardware issue, yet your game is still crashing/save crashing out every 30 to 45 minutes, read this blog post and then download/run…

Operation: Gnomeregan Imminent!

There is more information up on about the retaking of Gnomeregan. Since it’s up and announced, I assume they are planning a mini-patch release fairly soonish, within a month or two. But I mean…can’t one level 80 just raze…

iPhone OS 4.0: Results

Q: Are there any plans for you to run unsigned applications, like on Android? A: There is a porn store for Android to go to. You can download them, your kids can download them. That’s a place we don’t want…

iPhone OS 4.0 Predictions and Wishes

I totally caved into a huge itch and switched over to AT&T recently for the sake of getting an iPhone. It has since been the object of my tech obsession. My predictions and wishes for tomorrow’s iPhone OS 4.0 announcement.…

Smiling Jim

I will finish Final Fantasy XIII….eventually but it’s not really a gaming priority at the moment to say the least. A have a semi-review post circling around in my half-complete pile, but my priorities are elsewhere. Anyway, I spent a…