Month July 2007

WoW Update 7/30/07

I’ve made revered with the Consortium, Ogri’la and the Sha’tari Skyguard, my current reputation projects. Working on the Consortium for the monthly gem bags and because it’s stupid easy, working on the other two because I want my ray mount…

Oblivion: Custom Class

I have a Weekly WoW post stored on a text file somewhere that I will post Thursday or Friday. Thought that it would be nice for once to highlight one of the non WoW games that I enjoy playing. Yeah…

Paladin Macros

There are many macros similar to these that do much much more, but these cater to my individual tastes and needs. If you want additional information, the macro section on WoWWiki has a huge honking list. Also, the World of…

Keiya’s UI

I browsed through many of the compilations at various UI sites but couldn’t find a good clean UI designed for widescreen monitors that suited my tastes (I’m unreasonably picky about certain things). So, I made my own and tinkering with…

WoW Update 7/16/07

So Karazhan is almost on full clear; Just Nightbane is left, who we took down to 20% on Saturday, our first night of real attempts (we poked him on Monday after Prince for good measure). I’m surprised, it’s not nearly…

Gavel of Unearthed Secrets

I feel a bit silly: I have had access to [item]Gavel of Unearthed Secrets[/item] for quite some time but have ignored it. It's the Lower City exalted spell damage mace. Recall that Seal of Vengeance favors weapon speeds that approach…

Ray’s G15 Mod: HowTo

I mentioned this topic in a previous post: Ray's Mod is one of the best G15 Winamp applets out there and as far as I know, it's the only one that will flash the LED's in beat with the music.…

2.2 PTR Patch Musings

Wow, the 2.2 PTRs are up! I honestly was't expecting the next patch to roll around until after BlizzCon, it's nice to see that I was wrong. The current patch notes though, are lacking anything substantial, so I am assuming…

WoW Update 7/10/07

Let’s see, it was a fairly interesting/busy weekend both in terms of WoW and real-life. I was going to only login for around an hour Monday to check my mail and farm, but raided a little bit instead. We wanted…

Keiya’s WoWSpace

I like reading the “Reader WoWspace of the Week” articles over on WoWInsider. It’s interesting seeing where other people play, in addition to giving me purchasing ideas (naughty naughty, I spend enough on “stupid computer crap” and “personal ergonomic comfort.”)…