Keiya’s UI version 3.1


Not much of a “redo” since it looks more or less the same as version 3.0 except for the smaller button grid and the unit frame change. I went with Pitbull because of its layout flexibility. X-Perl was becoming and eyesore with the plethora of windows that needed to be displayed.

I tried to compress all interface elements to the edges as much as possible, because I dislike having junk stay in the center of my screen. I also wanted any unused elements to fold or fade away when not in use so that I didn’t have a giant black bar of death obscuring precious screen real estate.

Class buffs, auras and oh shit spells are grouped and auto-barred on the top left round buttons so that I could keep all of the paladin blessings off of my bars (giant waste of space). Consumables, food buffs, mage food, tradeskills, quest items and stuff like that are autobarred on the opposite side.


The chat log will fade away after 30 seconds of no activity. The combat log, general chat and trade chat are tabbed. Recount and Omen are docked to the far right. recount visibility is hotkeyed on my G15 and Omen will automatically appear upon enter ring combat.

I like having my bajillion buttons and my combat information displayed, but I also appreciate clean interfaces and to some extent simplicity. So this layout is a compromise…I guess.(Addons listed below)

Keiya's UI 3.1 - Normal

Button grid

  • AutoBar: Automatically categorizes, sorts and displays frequently used items, spells, whatever. For example, I have a food buff button that will display all food items that give a buff upon mouseover. Easily configurable to suit your personal needs.
  • XPBarNone : Customizable experience bar (Specifically, the exact height and width. The X-Perl module is limiting). If you are at the level cap, it will display whatever faction you are working on.
  • Bartender4: Allows you to completely customize your action bars in almost every sense. Location, size, spacing, number of buttons, keybindings.
  • ButtonFacade: Allows you to skin actions bars. Compatible with Autobar and Bartender. Using this mod mainly to get the round buttons.
  • eePanels2: Allows you to create background panels to place UI elements on. The transparent gray rectangle under the center button chunk is an eePanel.
  • FuBar: The black bar on the bottom with my gold, the time, etc.
  • OmniCC: Displays ability cooldowns on all of your buttons.

Unit Frames and combat elements

  • Pitbull: My unit frame mod of choice. It’s one of the most customizable ones out there. I liked X-Perl, but it was very limiting in terms of appearance.
  • ClassTimer: I use this mod to keep track of any short term self casted/proc’d buffs on my player and target unit frames.
  • Quartz: A modular casting bar addon. Allows you to customize the appearance, size, and location of the cast bars.
  • MSBT: Scrolling combat text.

Other visible elements

  • Prat 3.0: Time stamping, class coloring of names, chat logging, etc. A highly customizable, modular chat mod.
  • SexyMap : Lets you change the way the minimap looks and functions (to some degree). It also auto-hides the minimap icons so that they are only visible upon a mouesover.
  • Omen: Threat meter.
  • PallyPower: Paladin buff manager. Allows you to assign buffs to any other paladin in the group with PallyPower, keeps track of Righteous Fury, etc.


  • ArkInventory: This is the mod that I use for inventory management, it will automatically sort all of your crap into categories based off of user set preferences. For example, I have a section for healing gear, a section for consumables, and a section for quest items, etc. It also allows for inventory searches. Some people hate it, some like it.
  • TipTac: Customizes the location and information shown on the tooltip.
  • Clique: Click casting. Example: I have Cleanse bound to my right mouse button and X-Perl set to highlight all dispellable debuffs. That way, all I have to do is right click on the raid and party portraits to cleanse, versus actually targeting them.
  • RatingBuster: Displays item levels and converts ratings into percentages for items on the tooltips. I used to manually convert stats in my head, on my everpresent graphing calculator, or on some spreadsheet. This mod makes it easier to evaluate items and stuff.

Raid tools

  • BigWigs: Boss mod. DBM or this one, take your pick if your guild hasn’t chosen one for you :P. BigWigs has an option that will flash the screen whenever something important happens to you during a boss encounter (certain debuffs, standing in bad shit, etc). A very useful option, though not a substitute for being attentive!
  • oRA2: Supports raid messages, displays main tanks, res monitor, resistance/durability checking, mass invites, zone checks and stuff like that.
  • XLoot: Replaces the default loot frame. Borders are color coded according to quality, BoE status is labeled more visibly. XLoot also has a one click option to announce drops to a chat channel of your choice (guild, raid shout, etc), which is handy since I am frequently the ML.


I need to find a stronger deterrent for comment spam. It’s starting to return…

There is a working Wowhead loot link filter for Drupal if anyone is curious about how to use the [item] bbcode tags. The old module died quite some time ago and there hasn’t been a good working alternative until recently. I also finally got around to re-doing the guild homepage and migrating it from the ghetto fugly vBadvanced portal over to Drupal. Yay!

Guild business as usual. We finally have a fairly stable 25-man Ulduar run going on the weekends now. We were low on folks for the past few weeks since returning from our short pre-3.1 raid hiatus. We are though a bit short on tanks, I guess I should finally gem, enchant and upgrade the trash pieces in my tanking set for the sake of being viable for off-tanking. I have a metric fuckload of badges to burn.

So I’ve been really super lazy about my professions for the past oh, several months? I am 5 points shy of the skill cap on both blacksmithing and enchanting…which was somewhat alright until the epic patterns started dropping in heroic Ulduar (by our loot rules only max level crafters are eligible to roll). I have all of the mats that I need for both professions rotting on my banker. Shame on me.

Tangent: If you haven’t seen the new Star Trek movie, go and see it. It is really quite good, independent of me being a huge Star Trek fan. JJ Abrams retained the spirit of the old series without the Trekkie fap. /wants to see it again.

WoW Update: Hodgepodge


Note to self: I really need to enchant and gem my off-spec healing set. Actually, I really really need to find myself a better healing weapon since I am still using the one from Maiden inKarazhan; Haven’t gotten a chance to roll on a healing weapon in a long ass time (being prot/ret, I wouldn’t of course roll over a legitimate healer). I guess I can craft this, since I already have alll of the mats.

Hodgepodge: Peggle for WoW, complete with a Peggle loot rolling system, guild scores, talent trees, duel modes, etc. New favorite raid downtime activity! I’ve been really bad about doing the Argent Tournament dailies lately as I’ve skipped most of them this entire week for one reason or another.

I’m looking for another raid fram add-on that’s cleaner than X-Perl; trying to reduce raid and targetting clutter, especially with vehicles and ToT. I might give oUF a spin tonight.

First Taste of Ulduar


I settled with (0/17/54) for my primary PvE Retribution spec and went PvE protection as my secondary spec (0/53/18), since we have been light on off-tanks lately, despite originally planning to go Holy. I still need to chat, gem and glyph my off-spec set. The in-game talent preview option is nice; Miss-clicking while assigning talent points sucks pretty hard.

Ulduar 10 was fun last night: My guild (and me to some extent) has been on a pre-3.1 raid hiatus for several weeks, so it fun shooting the breeze with everyone again. The Flame Leviathan event was a lot of fun, it reminded me of those old school arcade shooting games.

It’s a vehicle encounter, but unlike Malygos, the vehicles scale according to item level. We assigned two choppers, two siege tanks, and two demolishers, each of the siege tanks and demolishers carrying one passenger and one shotted him that way. We wiped on Ignis’ trash for a while afterwards. It’s been a while since we’ve encountered trash that required any amount of thought:

Molten Colossus: Tank them spread out so that the raid doesn’t get hit with double earthquakes. We had the tanks drag them to opposite sides of the hallway so that they were just within healing range, with the raid in the center. You can also just send a tank and a healer over to some far corner. Either way is fine.

Magma Ragers: The fire tornadoes will target people and chase them for around 15 seconds. They are slow and easily dodgable (but will knock you back quite far if you get hit). Tank them in the corners at the bottom of the ramp, have ranged stand at max range. FYI: The tornadoes form on the Magma Ragers, it’s really really easy to see.

Not so much luck on Ignis, we might try a different boss after Leviathan next time. Oooh: The instance maps now show the location of both you and your raid members; No more wondering where the hell certain people are. I have been wanting that feature for a really really long time.

3.1 Patch Day Downtime Musings

I guess I’m semi-back to posting entries since the patch is out. I don’t really go on hiatus per se, but the object of my fixation (WoW, this site, other games, anime/manga, obsessively playing the guitar, etc) rotates around on a weekly to monthly basis :P.

Random site stuff first: I don’t know why the WoW blog link bar disappeared off of the front page or why the comments don’t seem to update right away when not logged into administrator mode. I’ll look into that if I have time.

I tried to update my mods this morning and noticed that WoWMatrix wasn’t working very well. Apparently curse and WoWInterface are currently blocking WoWMatrix. So, hopefully either someone at WoWMatrix finds a workaround or the folks at Curse un-ass their horrid updater within the next few days. Hmm, the Curse Client has been vastly improved since I had last used it; So for the time being, I’ll use that to update my addons.

Anyway, it’s patch day! I have been so busy/distracted that I have completely forgotten about looking into my new retribution main spec and holy off-spec. Anticipating server instability and delays, I probably have plenty of time to do so…Oh also, I’ll do an updated UI post whenever I have my 3.1 interface stabilized.

Boredom Edit:  Maybe the servers will go up soon and we will all get to play? Oh and apparently Outfitter has been un-discontinued, which is nice since Blizzard dropped the integrated equipment manager from 3.1. 

WoW Update: Ding Doombeard!


Happy Pi Day everyone (3/14)! I recon that it is time to pay more heed to my sites, but I haven’t really felt like posting anything lately; Been distracted doing other activities in the non World ofWarcraft/non Real Life portion of my free time (ie picking up anime/manga watching/reading again, for the first time since graduating from college x years ago lol).

Anyway, Doombeard hit level 80 last Sunday, I even brought him into Naxx-10 on Wednesday to loot sponge in true huntard fashion…He is also finally earning his keep, ala mining craptons of Saronite and what not. He is frustrating to play though because he doesn’t have an epic flying mount and probably won’t for quite some time as I keep siphoning his money away to pay for Keiya’s things. I am not sure why I am leveling alchemy on him without a weed picker, oh well.

Betrayer of Humanity finally dropped for my guild; two weeks in a row even (got it last night)! Lots of interesting paladin class changes on the 3.1 public test realms. Such as, Spiritual Attunement being changed to a deep Protection tree talent o_O. WTB Ulduar, Naxxrammas has been old for quite some time.

I keep meaning to put together a post addressing some of the Drupal questions people have asked me about, as well as a general run down of some of the modules that I really like using. This site is overdue for housecleaning and a software update; I might do that when those tasks are completed.

Elder Keiya


Okay, the Lunar Festival achievements? Pain in the ass. I spent a not insignificant portion of Sunday coin fetching all over the old world for the Elder title and alliance reputation (82.5 rep for humans per coin). I would still take a grind achivement over RNG dependant achievements any day. Damn you Brewfest mounts…

The achievement but hit me again: I ground out the Spacegoat starting area quests as well as Darkshore for alliance reputation. I finished off Argent Dawn, Kirin’Tor, Stormwind, Ironforge, Exodar, Gnomeregan (robochicken mount!), Darnassus and completed around 100 more quests towards Loremaster. Only…several hundred more to go!

Why does every single Kalimdor zone seem unnecessarily long? Darkshore, Ashenvale, The Barrens, Felwood, etc. I think I remember why I had skipped this continent on my paladin in favor of leveling in the Eastern Kingdoms. I am missing around 60 quests on the Eastern Kingdom and I don’t know where they are. going to have to ride around looking for skipped quest hubs. Boo.

Working on next: Finishing off the last 1k for Consortium Exalted and then working on the Outlands factions that I missed; Kurenai, Sporeggar and Netherwing. Quest wise, each of the zones that I am missing in the Outlands needs around 5 more quests. That in theory shouldn’t be that big of a deal to do.

I have had this itch to buy a new game and can’t seem to find anything to scratch it with. The only new release that I am interested in is the Sims 3, which is a month given that it is not delayed. The Circuit City liquidation sale had Rock Band 2 for %150, but that isn’t that great of a deal for a liquidation sale…

WoW Update: Happy 2009

Hello fellow guild members who happened to stumble upon this site, noticing that it gets updated more frequently than the guild homepage does. No seriously, none of you have ever clicked on my profile and signature links on the forums? Those are (usually) work safe 😀

Apologies to those who sent me questions via email and were blown off; I was busy with holiday activities (January is the Monday of the year). Most of the questions were asking aboutDrupal, the content management system that I use for this site, in the context of WoW.

The Drupal itemstats module hasn’t been updated in over a year and does not work anymore. I use the wowhead script. The downside to this method being that it doesn’t parse [item] tag names. I’ll make a list of some of the modules that I like.

Anyway, we cleared 25-man Naxxramas on Saturday evening; It was a good raid, our DPS definitely went way up from last week. One-shottedThadius, Sapphiron and Kel’Thuzad; The only bosses that we had not killed on heroic. Raid progression wise, that only leaves Malygos and Sartharion with the drakes up.

  • I’ve been PvPing lately ala the 3v3/5v5 arena and Wintergrasp. It’s way more fun to PvP as a retadin than it is to PvP as a protection healer.
  • I also finally got my Blizzard Authenticator in the mail the other day. It was $6.50 ($7 with shipping). that’s not a bad price for added account security.
  • Loatheb’s Shadow finally dropped last night.
  • I am 3 badges away from the plate DPS bracers.

Edit: By the way, the 3% ghost hit mystery was hotfixed yesterday. As speculated, retribution paladins who were spec’d into precision pre-3.0 were still receiving the hit bonus.

During the transition from patch 2.4.3 to 3.0.3 the following talents were not unlearned properly by some players, resulting in those players still gaining the benefits despite the talents no longer existing in the talent trees. As a result, we’ve pushed a hotfix which has corrected this matter and affected players will longer receive credit for having these talents.

Warlock: Improved Lash of Pain
Warlock: Fel Stamina
Shaman: Totemic Mastery
Shaman: Improved Lightning Shield (Rank 3)
Paladin: Precision
Rogue: Fist Weapon Specialization
Priest: Shadow Focus (Ranks 4 and 5) 

Oh well, it was nice while it lasted!

Massive Amounts of Questing

Keiya-Naxx-Gear-2_0So the achievement farming bug finally hit me last night: I finished off Northrend Explorer achievement as well as the Zul’Drak and Howling Fjord quests for Loremaster Northrend. I am currently working on the Eastern Kingdom, Kalimdor being next. Questing also has the added bonus of giving a fair amount of faction reputation (not exalted with any of the cities yet).

The newer continents are nice because quest completion is broken down by zone, so you can see what you are missing. I wasn’t very mindful in regards to zone completion while I was leveling my paladin in late 2004/early 2005. Consequently, the quest hubs that I am missing are spread out all over the place. Grr.

Well okay, in truth? The only reason why I am bothering to do Loremaster is because of the tabard reward, which I think is possibly the most awesome tabard evar.

The Comcast disconnection issues were kind of a bummer this past weekend, because it affected quite a few people in my guild (as in, most of the healers). We kind of had an off-weekend with Friday out of the picture and the holidays coming up. We did however, manage to salvage Saturday evening.

If I don’t bother posting the rest of this week, have a happy and safe holidays all 🙂