October Errata

Hello internet! We just finished moving and settling in to the new place, which would be half of the reason why there have been no posts made. Being lazy and not having much to play would be the other half of why no posts have been made; But that’s another story I guess. BlizzCon is … Read more

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

The original Deus Ex is legendary, it represents a turning point in gaming, offering a depth of gameplay, a scope of vision and a story telling method not seen in a medium of this type until that point in time. It is widely considered to be one of the best games ever made by myself … Read more

Deus Ex: HR – Taggart’s Location in Panchaea

I’ve been obsessively playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution. I am kind of sad that I am almost finished with the game seeing has how there’s not much else that I want to play until November rolls around. This video/post isn’t really a spoiler, but it does take place towards the latter part of the game. … Read more

Bastion (XBLA)

I was itching for a cheap new game a couple of weeks ago and turned to Steam to satisfy my need. Bastion was at the top of one of the store lists, but unfortunately wasn’t out yet for the PC so I bought it off of XBLA instead. I don’t know how the PC version … Read more

Diablo 3 and Real Money Trading

Diablo 3 was discussed over the weekend and the Internet exploded in rageful concern when these three main changes were announced: Diablo 3 will require an always-on internet connection ala Starcraft 2. No modifications will be allowed There will be a real-money trade auction house. I am assuming that the need for an internet connection … Read more

July Gaming in Review

In summary, there was abso-fucking-lutely nothing interesting to play. Well, aside from Minecraft binging for half the month. I do still intend on finishing our castle, even though the Minecraft obsession has kind of dropped off a bit. Finding enough wool/dye and what not to complete my interior decorating plans for the rest of the … Read more

Post Response: On Forced Multiplayer

Found this quotation link via Destructoid and Edge earlier this week regarding forced multiplayer in single player games: If you’re doing it just to check a box or because every other publisher says you’ve got to have multiplayer, then just drop it, don’t bother, it’s a waste of time, a giant distraction and … Read more

Minecraft: In-Progress Castle

I had purchased Frozen Synapse off of Steam quite some time ago during the Summer Camp Sale. Sadly, I still haven’t “had a chance” to play it for more than 5 minutes because I have been very busy. Very busy playing Minecraft that is. Alas, we are back on the Minecraft server and working on … Read more

Crysis 2 DX11 Patch (and FRAPS Audio Sync Issues)

To be honest, I am not sure that I notice that much of a difference between DirectX 9 and DirectX 11. TotalHalibut though, posted a pretty good comparison video on his YouTube channel. Nonetheless, it is still a fantastic looking game. I am playing at 1080p with everything set to Extreme except for shadows and … Read more

Single-City Games

I fell victim to the office plague this past week and ended up spending a beautiful weekend indoors; So, this post as well as half of my Netflix queue was the result. I kind of wanted to do a series of posts on both world building as well a case study of several of the … Read more