Summer Dry Spell

I am still poking at The Sims 4 on and off but aside from that, there’s just not a whole lot else that I am interested in playing now? In theory I should at least attempt to play some of the games purchased during the Summer Steam Sale or well, some of the games that … Read more

Analytical and Deeply Immersed (and Stuff)

There’s another one of those gamer profile quizzes and floating around. This one seems fairly accurate-ish given that my absolute favorite gaming genre is fantasy role-playing (and MMO by extension though not so much as of late), with general action/strategy/FPS games trailing closely behind in second place. Above all I appreciate a decent character story … Read more

The 2015 Steam Summer Sale

Every year, Steam has some sort of odd promotional gimmick, usually centered around the trading cards and badges. This year’s gimmick was an odd cookie clicker game. I guess the goal of the game is to get to level 100M for a badge? *shrug* I gingerly managed to escape the Summer Steam Sale with only … Read more

Fallout Shelter

Along with Fallout 4, Doom 4, and Dishonored 2 (yay!), Bethesda also announced the immediate release of Fallout Shelter for iOS and Android. It is pretty fun even though it is another one of ‘those’ freemium resource building phone games. It at the very least has a high production value and is free to some … Read more