Fall 2013 Game Releases

Fall approaches and with it comes the annual dump of triple-A game titles. Sadly as I grow older, my ‘list’ seems to grow smaller (possibly due to the airsoft and non-play grownup things budget growing larger :/), but oh well. The four games that I am interested in are: Grand Theft Auto V Pokemon X … Read more

My Sims 4 Wishlist

A preview video and a few new features have been announced this week (news here). The Sims 4 Create-a-Sim looks really slick and way less cumbersome than having a hundred sliders. In a perfect world, I would love a game that’s a blend between The Sims 2 and The Sims 3 as both games had … Read more

Missed Connection…

Dear ‘Valdus’, I apparently came across your StreetPass twice while I was on vacation in the midwest. The second time was in the Milwaukee airport on this past Tuesday when we were preparing to fly back home. The first time must have also been in the Mikwaukee airport on the previous Tuesday when we were … Read more

The Steam Summer Sale

Another Steam sale came and went. I was planning on sitting this round out in lieu of me realizing that I haven’t even downloaded or touched approximately 50% of my existing Steam library; But I mean, literally every single game I had on my wish list was on sale, so you know how that goes. … Read more

BioShock Infinite

Not so much gaming lately, but of the games I have picked up, BioShock Infinite stands out as one of the best and certainly most interesting games that I have played in recent memory. I didn’t know too much about BioShock Infinite other than it had received high remakes all around, as it was kind … Read more

Jay Wilson on the Diablo 3 Auction House

Regarding this article and this statement: …that only a small percentage of players would use it and that the price of items would limit how many were listed and sold. I do appreciate the admission of fault, no matter how late but, what? How could you not have expected absolutely everyone to use … Read more

HearthStone, WoW, & BioShock Infinite

HearthStone: Hah Blizzard the Gathering; My prediction was right on the money. I was expecting either a CCG or a mobile game since Blizzard, if i recall correctly, either outright stated or implied that the new title would be relatively minor. I was hoping that it would be a crossover between all of the major … Read more

More on SimCity

Hmmm, I wrote this bit earlier: Is there even anything noteworthy coming out in the near future? On second thought, it’s actually been a fairly release heavy quarter so far. I know that Crysis 3 came out at the end of February and aside from SimCity and the new Sims 3 expansion, I had totally … Read more

SimCity Impressions

Against my better judgement (always on DRM), I purchased SimCity off of Origin. It is to say the least, kind of sad that I never really expected to be able to play this game on launch because of the expected massive server fail, particularly for a title that is and always has been a single … Read more