Witcher 2: Draug Fight Video

Here’s another random Witcher 2 video from this past weekend. I even added a cheesy logo! I apologize for the random-ass song by the way;  For some reason, YouTube didn’t like way I encoded the sound in VirtualDub for whatever reason and distorted most of the audio post-upload. I’d rather not re-encode and re-upload the video so I AudioSwapped it. There has to be a free or “free” video editing out there in Internet land that’s less irritating to use than VirtualDub and Windows Movie Maker (while also not requiring the time investment to learn like most of the professional tools). Video processing isn’t one of my geek areas of expertise, but I think I may make it one of my “side projects.”

The Draug fight is not all that hard of an encounter on normal difficulty. In fact, I’m not sure that there’s any particular strategy other than rolling around and whacking him with your strong attack. I’m sure that it’s faster to use Yrden or something to attempt to trap him but whatever. I wasn’t really expecting a one shot so I started screwing around to see what he would do.

System specs & settings: Windows 7 64-bit, core i7-860, 8GB RAM, 1GB ATI Radeon HD 6870, 1920×1080 resolution (recorded at half-size). UltraSampling and vignette are disabled and both shadowing options are at high. I turned on the bloom setting this time.

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