Smith Optics Boogie Regulator Goggles

I picked up a new pair of goggles last week: Smith Optics Boogie Regulators with the bungee kit. In terms of low profile eye pro, I don’t think goggles get more low profile than these goggles. They are lightweight, excellent clarity (I recommend the ignitor lens), comfortable, and one of the few goggles on my consideration list that attaches gracefully to my helmet. Also, being low profile they have a great field of view.

On the downside: They did end up fogging on Sunday, which wasn’t too surprising I guess given that the ever so slight rainfall ensured that it would be somewhat humid (80 to 90% humidity, mid 70s). The fogging did stop if I was facing a breeze or if I was moving around, which wasn’t always an acceptable solution depending on the situation that I was currently in (versus just turning the turbofans on high). There was however, little to no fogging during the afternoon game when the sun had been out for a while. So in reality, the Boogie Regulators are going to be my “hot season” goggles. In Southern California that translates to every game except for maybe two months out of the year?

Update 7/28/2014: I have had the chance to run with these for several months and they do fog quite a bit when it is humid, particularly if it is humid with no sun or breeze. Despite the humidity, there was minimal fogging when we were playing in Hawaii and this weekend, but they were pretty terrible when we were up in LA for OP: Black Shield, at least until the same came out during the later half of the first game. I still plan on playing with my Boogie Regulators (being able to velcro them on to the back of my helmet makes them significantly more comfortable and easier to deal with then virtually any other google), but I will probably have to order anti-fog spray before my next game.

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