[FFRK] Ultimate Beatrix

God. What a pain in the ass. I have a fairly okay set of gear and set of Soul Breaks (minus 2/3 of the holy trinity. No natural hastega or wall) and this one was barely doable. I am not even sure if this one is doable without at least a natural medica and possibly AoE regen without a thousand S/Ls. Beatrix is guaranteed to cast at least two Climhazzards at scripted points during the fight. The trick is to watch her health bar. When the bar touches her toes she will cast it. Climhazzard is NAT damage that cannot be avoided or mitigated.

She is also guaranteed to cast Stock Break several turns after Climhazzard which will do AoE physical damage as well as sap all characters. Sap needs to be removed ASAP before the second Climhazzard goes off otherwise instadeath will occur at the first damage tick. Stock Break is straight up physical damage so normal avoidance tactics apply (retaliate, etc). After numerous party configurations this is the team that I went with:

Character Ability 1 Ability 2 Record Materia
 Cloud  Lifesiphon  Drain Strike  Ace Striker
 Steiner  Armor Strike  Banishing Strike  Bastion
 Yuffie  Steal Power  Shadowsteel  Heroic Stance
 Aerith  Renewing Cure  Haste  Dr. Mog’s Teachings
 Lenna  Renewing Cure  Protectga  Mako Might

Roaming Warrior: Hymn of the Faith
Notable Soul Breaks: Blade Beam, Princess’s Favor, Planet Protector, Dragon Force
Notable Weapons: Ultima Sword

  • Dragon Force: This actually ended up being a crucial spell because it completely negated Stock Break, saving me the hassle of burning a RW or SB charge to heal/regen sap off of everyone before Climhazzard #2. In all honesty, I had forgotten that I even had this SB. If I had remembered and realized that it cancelled out Stock Break, much time would have been saved…
  • Planet Protector: Used it before Climhazzard #2 (if I recall correctly, the turn after popping Dragon Force). Allowed for massive Blade Beam spammage at maximum damage to burn her down.
  • Shadowsteel: Spam this in the beginning to get her sapped as soon as possible; It does around 4k a tick. Though 4k may not seem to be a lot of damage, overtime it adds up.
  • Banishing Strike: Fulfills the holy damage medal requirement and also dispels. Beatrix doesn’t cast Holy that often but when she does, she tends to bounce it off of her self. Keep in mind that Dispel only removes positive effects so it won’t remove Sap, etc.
  • Haste: I had Aerith haste everyone before the first Climhazzard. I managed to squeeze in a refresh on Cloud during the last half of the fight.
  • Steal Power/Protectga: Most of her attacks are physical damage. The ones that aren’t are either NAT or holy. So in other words, don’t bother bringing Shellga or Magic Breakdown. Protectga was cast once towards the beginning of the fight and then again at the half way point.
  • Armor Strike: New ability, also a medal requirement. Really liking this ability so far; It’s damage multiplier is based off of DEF instead of ATK. I stacked Steiner with as much DEF gear as possible and kept his HP topped off so that he could soak Shock. Decent damage with enough DEF.

Overall, the trick was to remove the RNG deaths from Holy and Shock during the later half of the fight. Holy isn’t used very often but can dealt with by keeping reflect dispelled (luckily it’s not refreshed often, assuming it’s scripted in at a certain turn). Shock is cast on the character with the highest HP. As long as Steiner was topped off, it wasn’t a big deal. Tried the Retaliate cheese strategy but it was too RNG dependent (unlucky Holy and Shock hits…) and irritating to time.

2 thoughts on “[FFRK] Ultimate Beatrix”

  1. Ultimate Beatrix was the first fight where I had to _slow down_ my DPS output. She was wrecking me because I’d sap her and go all out, but my Medica users wouldn’t have sufficient SB bars to keep casting by the end of the fight. However, I have to say that Memento of Prayer (WHM 3, Regen All) was amazing for this fight, as I had no other real Regen granting abilities, but I didn’t want to waste my RW on another Medica since I had 2 already.

    Rather, the first half of the fight was just watching Sap tick down while I kept my mitigation up and used Haste/Renewing Cure on my two Medica users to build up enough SB for a couple Medicas after her 2nd Climhazzard.

    I didn’t have any SSBs either, but good ol’ Greg (Gilgamesh) with Retaliate/Draw Fire helped with passive damage and reducing overall damage taken for the first half of the fight, as well.

    Lastly, turns out it was better for me to leave Reflect on Beatrix for the latter half of the fight, as she kept sniping people with Holy (as it is cast on the lowest HP if she casts it directly, as opposed to random if she Delta Attack’s it), so there was a little RNG madness in there 🙁

    It was super satisfying to nail it though. Haven’t tried Vossler yet, but I hear he’s even harder…


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