


On BlizzCon 2015

Caught up on gaming news recently and noticed that not only had BlizzCon 2015 had been announced, but the tickets are going up for sale in just under a month. For $200 a piece. I have absolutely no doubt that tickets…

Odds and Ends: Moving

I haven’t written anything here or really played much of anything lately other than iOS games; Due mostly in part to having recently moved as well as the fact that electrical work needed to be done before we were comfortable…

Wolfeinstein, WoW, Etc

I picked up Wolfenstein: The New Order, a game that I would have normally blown off, at the end of the Steam Winter sale at the recommendation of TotalBiscuit’s YouTube channel. Wolfeinstein is surprisingly fun and had no right be…

A Year in Gaming: 2014

The gaming resolution for 2014 that I had posted a year ago was as follows.  I shall make no more purchases off of Steam until I finish some of the games that I already own; And by ‘already own,’ I…

Merry Christmas 2014

Whoever you are and whatever you celebrate, I hope that you all have a Merry Christmas and an excellent holiday season. May your days be filled with good, family, and friends.

The Untamed Blade [WoW]

I was going to make this a Throwback Thursday WoW post, as a part of my campaign to update this site more, but I forgot. I finally got around to cleaning up my paladin’s bank and adding the remaining legacy…