A Year in Gaming: 2014

The gaming resolution for 2014 that I had posted a year ago was as follows.

 I shall make no more purchases off of Steam until I finish some of the games that I already own; And by ‘already own,’ I am specifically referring to the 4 games that I had just purchased the other week.

3/4 games that I had purchased last Steam Winter sale were at least beaten or at least played to a significant degree. As far as the rest of the unplayed games in my Steam Library? They for the most part remained untouched sadly. 2014 was another fairly light gaming year for the both of us; Likely in no small part to the majority of the first half of 2014 being occupied by wedding stuff and the second half of 2014 not really offering a whole lot in terms of games that we absolutely had to play on the spot.

As stated in my previous post, the older we get the more patient we seem to become in regards game releases and the date at which we choose to purchase them. Unless there is a title that I am really must play immediately (there are probably only about 3 a year nowadays), I don’t really see the need to spend upwards of $60 on 4 to 10 hours of enjoyment max. Plus, waiting = 80% off eventually on Steam. Without further adieu:

Keiya’s game of the year: The Sims 4
The Sims 4 isn’t perfect or really even close to perfect, but if there is one game that I played and enjoyed the most this year it was The Sims 4. Few other titles have captured my attention for such a great length of time.

Dave’s DLC of the year: Hearthstone Goblins vs Gnomes
Dave doesn’t feel that there was any new release that he played in 2014 worth nominating for game of the year so he chose Hearthstone for a second year in a row.

Mobile game of the yearIngress
By “fairly light gaming year” we were referring to PC/Console games. It was however, a pretty decent mobile gaming year for the both of us. This one was a toss up between Ingress and Threes for me. Ingress wins out by virtue of something that we enjoyed playing together and something that we enjoyed playing on top of other activities. Plotting to overthrow the green portals at an art museum for example, was something that we greatly enjoyed doing in addition to visiting the art museum itself and so forth.

Best half finished game that I really want to finish: Transistor
I don’t remember why I put Transistor down. I think either a game or some show game out that I was fixing on back in June? If I had to nominate a game for best aesthetic it would go to Transistor.

Game from 2013 that I most enjoyed playing in 2014: Brothers A Tale of Two Sons
Brothers is a beautiful and fantastic game. Gorgeous cartoony aesthetic, perfect marriage between narrative and gameplay. I really enjoyed playing this game and highly recommend it.

Game from 2014 that we are most interested in finally playing this year: Wolfenstein The New Order.
To be honest, if it wasn’t for TotalBiscuit’s 2014 recap videos, I probably would have continued to brush this title off as a piece of crap. Apparently multiple sources considered Wolfenstein FPS and/or game of the year so I figured it was worth picking up on sale for $20.

Most disappointing game of the year: None
If it looked even mildly bad we didn’t buy it. So go us I guess.

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