Odds and Ends: Moving

I haven’t written anything here or really played much of anything lately other than iOS games; Due mostly in part to having recently moved as well as the fact that electrical work needed to be done before we were comfortable with plugging in our computers. As a result of the aforementioned events, we have been mostly unplugged for the past week and some change which, to be honest, wasn’t all that bad. Though, as we ran out of items to unpack and organize, we quickly ran out of things to do. But alas, now that computers are finally setup, we can once again do whatever. 

  • Currently watching The Walking Dead. I am pretty sure that reading the comics spoiled the television series for me (even though they are quite different). The series was distinctly more interesting once I had passed the point where I had stopped reading. Almost caught up with the current episode in season 5. 
  • Had a brief affair with SimCity 5 once again because it was the game flavor of the month at work. Truth be told, aside from the addition of an offline mode, I am not entirely sure that I have noticed all that much of an improvement since the last time I had played this game. To be fair though, none of my cities had reached critical mass.
  • In that regard, the new Cities: Skylines games looks interesting. Dave picked it up along with Homeworld Remastered. I’ll bum those off of the Steam Family Share at some point in time this week.
  • Cautiously excited for the Sims 4 expansion pack that is coming out at the end of this month. Open for Business was hands down, my favorite Sims expansion. I was pretty disappointment when equivalent content was never released for The Sims 3.
  • I have a small queue of airsoft videos to sort through, edit, and upload. By small queue I mean about 5 to 10 hours worth. :/

Also, we do have every intention of continuing the podcast soonish once things are more settled in. Yay for having an actual office.

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