Minecraft: Wanderlust (and Minecarts!)

I went on a Minecraft binge the other weekend and spent all Saturday morning searching for a dungeon spawner (or something interesting) because honestly, I haven’t really found anything noteworthy in the game for quite some time.  I was unable to find one through standard means so I started using the half-in sand/gravel x-ray vision … Read more

Another Computer Toy: Asus Xonar DX

I have several more posts to make regarding certain games and certain game updates that were released recently. I even have a few cheesy videos, yay. Anyway, I finally got around to picking up a new sound card for my machine last weekend. I never bothered installing the X-Fi on this machine; I think I’m … Read more

WoW Odds and Ends

Hey before I forget: Happy birthday Paradigm! Four years is a pretty damn long time in guild years. So are WoW guild years anything like dog years? If so, I guess that makes us uuh 28? Looking forward to more good times ahead! Oh, the Lich King finally kicked it a while back. The screenshot … Read more

Minecraft: Brave New Worlds

Note: If anyone cares, there are forums on this site; Mostly for me to play around with, but guest posting is now enabled. If anyone has a question or concern about any topic I post about or any game that I play, I would be happy to respond. I played around with the new talents … Read more

Uncharted 2

I better post this before I disappear into the world of Minecraft again. Sorry, did a pretty shoddy proofing reading and editing job, even for me. I was looking for a new console game to fix on a few weeks back and ended up purchasing Uncharted 2. TL;DR, it’s really fun, go buy/rent it. I … Read more

Obsessive Minecraft Playing

Beware, Minecraft is a time siphon. Hours go in and block castles crafted from stone come out. Normally, when some fad indie game suddenly goes popular, it ends up being some obtuse title that’s difficult to really get into, unless you pour hours into getting over some ass learning curve. I held off on buying … Read more

Loremaster: OMFG Finally

Finally. I am officially done with questing until the expansion hits. I had a couple of other things that I wanted to do in the old world before Cataclysm, but this was the only one that I was intent on actually completing. There’s such a stark contrast between the old style quests from Vanilla WoW … Read more

The Sky Crawlers

It is really unfortunate that there aren’t too many anime moves, much less good anime movies that aren’t a part of a televised franchise. So when a standalone anime film is released, I feel compelled to view it. The Sky Crawlers was released about two years ago. I’ve know about it for a while but … Read more

Mementos (aka WoW Hoarding)

I really like the shared topics concept over at Blog Azeroth. Interestingly enough, the last (and only) time I have posted one was a little over a year ago about WotLK release speculation. Anyway, I have actually been meaning to post about this one for some time. A while back, Penny Arcade posted this comic … Read more