2013 Thus Far

Hello all, I am still around by the way. There’s so much that I have wanted to post about but this site hasn’t really been my main focus as of late to say the least. One reason being that there hasn’t been a whole lot of PC or console gaming lately. I am still working on XCOM and poking at FTL occasionally (and let’s be honest, I am still mildly obsessed with The Sims 3). Other than that, I am not ever sure what is being released this year. Is there even anything noteworthy coming out in the near future?

Artemis is possibly the best LAN party game ever. It is a starship bridge simulator. One machine will host the server and function as the main view screen, the other networked machines each function as one (or multiple if short on crew) of five available stations: Helm, communications, weapon control, engineering, and science. The 6th crew member acts as the captain. Watch the video. Serious serious fun. 

Despite greatly looking forward to playing the much anticipated Assassins Creed 3, I never did finish it and really do not feel the need to do so. As it turns out, the Revolutionary War isn’t as interesting of a setting as I had hoped; Specifically, the frontier aspect. I really enjoy the urban and historical aspect of the AC series. AC3 doesn’t seem to have much of either quality.

On the personal front, we are now engaged :). I will hopefully be posting about that as well as the massive backlog of airsoft GoPro footage laying around…

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