Category Gaming

Mostly video games

The Witcher

The Witcher is just one of those games that I have heard of but more-or-less ignored and never bothered playing up until this point. I really don’t know why that is, given my massive soft spot for any fantasy RPG.…

Witcher 2: Kayran Fight Video

I was playing with FRAPS again so I figured that I would upload a video to YouTube for once. The Kayran fight (on normal difficulty that is) isn’t too hard once you figure out what to do. If anyone is…

The Cyborg R.A.T 7 Gaming Mouse

My old gaming mouse was starting to circle the drain a couple of weeks ago, leading to a somewhat urgent need for a replacement. Now to be honest, I probably could have done more to verify that the issue was…

BlizzCon 2011: Ticket Success

Success! It looks like we are actually going be able to go this year! I was number 700 in queue, a marked improvement over last year’s position at 5k. The maximum number of tickets allowed per transaction was reduced from…

Afterthoughts on Portal 2

It’s really hard for me to write a fair review about this game, given my slightly biased feelings towards the Portal series. I will try to point out a few differences between Portal 1 and Portal 2 instead of rabidly…

Portal 2 Is Out

Hey fellow World of Warcraft guild members. If you don’t see me uuuh on at all this week (though, yay for iPhone guild chat which was just updated into the app today. Too bad the servers won’t connect to it…

Crysis 2

At first, I didn’t have that much interest invested into Crysis 2. But, it seemed somehow wrong to purchase a shiny new video card and not buy the premier game for shiny new graphics. This entry was originally just going…

Video Games and the Test of Time

I can recall marvelling in awe at how beautifully crafted certain games were back in the day. But now, it is really really really difficult to get past how old some games look. Even with old favorites like Final Fantasy…