FTL: Faster Than Light

I keep meaning to post about this game. Even though I purchased FTL some time ago and have since set it down for the most part, it’s one of the more fun titles that I have played in recent memory. I’ve actually known about it for quite some time; It was a Kickstarter if I … Read more

2013 Thus Far

Hello all, I am still around by the way. There’s so much that I have wanted to post about but this site hasn’t really been my main focus as of late to say the least. One reason being that there hasn’t been a whole lot of PC or console gaming lately. I am still working … Read more

Games I Enjoyed This Year: Dishonored

2012 wasn’t a huge gaming year for me. Unless I am forgetting titles, which I probably am, I don’t think I even bought too many AAA PC titles. Interestingly enough, most of the games that I have been really enjoying lately are either indie titles or iPhone games. Of the AAA titles that I did … Read more

Cards Against Humanity Holiday Pack

Our copy of the Cards Against Humanity 2012 Holiday Pack arrived in the mail today. It’s a small expansion with 30 more cards on a pay what you want pricing structure (recommended cost is $5). Oh also, the envelope that it came in: I think the full game as well as the expansion packs are … Read more

Black Mesa

Part of last week’s pre-panda gaming time was spent playing Black Mesa. I can’t believe that it’s actually out. To be honest, I had always assumed that it was the type of game that would just vanish into oblivion. I remember being really excited about it over 5 years ago and then really disappointed when … Read more

The Extended Mass Effect 3 Ending

Spoilers for the Mass Effect 3 Ending. The Extended Cut is just that by the way in that the new content presents a more rounded, fleshed out conclusion in comparison to the original spartan ending sequence. What it does not do however is fundamentally change the outcome(s) of the game in any significant way; So … Read more

Regarding the (pre-DLC) ME3 Ending

So the new Mass Effect 3 ending DLC, in which I had almost completely forgotten about, is now available for download on Origin. I will eventually get around to playing it either tonight or later this week. It is a shame that an overall great game was marred by such a not-so-great ending. It’s not … Read more

Regarding the Diablo 3 RMAH

At long last, my dreams have come into fruition; I can retire swimming in fruits of my non-labor. Well, not really but the best kind of habit is a self sustaining one. I posted a few a few iLevel 61 and 62 items on the RMAH last night for shits and giggles. Lo-and-behold, when I … Read more

D3: Act I Solo Inferno Videos

Can anyone guess what we have been doing lately? During every single non-work moment? I don’t think my third hard drive likes me anymore or something, as the recording framerate seems to drop (in game performance is fine, videos are just choppy). Oh well, whatever. I didn’t find Act I to be particularly challenging, save … Read more

Diablo 3 Level 60 and Beyond: Hell and Inferno

So, ding! I hit level 60 earlier this week. This build is what I ended up running with through the majority of Hell difficulty (and this is the build that I am running with currently). Originally, I had specialized as a full tank for the first half of Nightmare, focusing mostly on dodge and mitigation … Read more