Animal Crossing New Leaf: House Tour

I am mildly obsessed with Animal Crossing New Leaf. Currently sitting at about 170.2k HHA points and working on expanding the rest of my house. The entry room contains the full exotic set as well as several other harmonious item sets. When I get around to building and expanding the right room on the first … Read more

Animal Crossing: Guilt

I loaded Animal Crossing: New Leaf for the for the sake of claiming my birthday gifts today. A brief pang of guilt was felt for having effectively abandoned my cute little town for the past two or so odd months to play GTA, Pokemon, Hearthstone, among other things. Pleased to find that not only had … Read more

The World Ends With You

This post is in regards to the Nintendo DS version by the way; Couldn’t quite bring myself to spend $20 on an iPhone app. I find it difficult to sustain long term gameplay on my phone for multiple reasons, not limited to it being not the most comfortable gaming medium and somewhat distracting, given that … Read more

Saltybet: Tips and Observations

Why have I not finished GTA? Because I am obsessively watching Saltybet. Saltybet is a free 24/7 Twitch stream with a fake-money betting system. The stream runs random CPU vs CPU battles off of M.U.G.E.N a 2d fighting engine with literally thousands of characters downloaded from wherever. The things that I find fascinating about Saltybet aren’t the … Read more

Grand Theft Auto V

I am about a quarter of the way through Grand Theft Auto V so far. In all honesty, the only Grand Theft auto game that I have ever played the main storyline through completion was Vice City. I will usually play the storyline most of the way through, at least up until the point at … Read more

On the D3 Auction House Removal

From Blizzard’s recent announcement: When we initially designed and implemented the auction houses, the driving goal was to provide a convenient and secure system for trades. But as we’ve mentioned on different occasions, it became increasingly clear that despite the benefits of the AH system and the fact that many players around the world use … Read more

Steam Family Sharing

There is a beta sign up for Steam Family Sharing. Starting mid September it seems that a few lucky folks will be able to share their libraries with up to 10 people. I am assuming that this feature was designed to address Steam account user and password sharing as a method of not having to … Read more