Every year, Steam has some sort of odd promotional gimmick, usually centered around the trading cards and badges. This year’s gimmick was an odd cookie clicker game. I guess the goal of the game is to get to level 100M for a badge? *shrug*
I gingerly managed to escape the Summer Steam Sale with only two purchases: Shadowrun Returns and Hatoful Boyfriend; Bringing this year’s total expenditure to all of about $5. I have heard decent things about the Shadowrun Returns game and overall, I really like the universe and game system (based off of a short pen and paper campaign). If I recall correctly, the combat system is turned based ala X-Com, Baldur’s gate, etc. As far as Hatoful Boyfriend goes…reasons. I do hope to play both titles at some point, but seeing as how I have picked up The Sims 4 again and am also working my way through Witcher 3 playthrough #2, that may be a ways off.
This is a bit late in the sale but: Both the Witcher 1 and the Witcher 2 are still on sale for about $2 each. I think I clocked around 40 hours of playtime per game and greatly enjoyed every minute of it. So if you are looking for a longish RPG to play, especially if you enjoyed playing the Witcher 3, both are well worth picking up.