[FFRK] Orb Fest, Narshe+++, Etc

First and foremost, with the plethora of upcoming events, I created a small calendar for personal use to help keep track of them. I am sure that there are a thousand of these on the internet, but I was bored. Unfortunately/fortunately? Most of the events seem to overlap, meaning that stamina is going to have to be prioritized. Orb wise, I would really like to hone Full Break to R2 so that means: Festive Fantasy phases (aka Orb Fest) 2, 3, and 4 are going to be important. Phase 4 probably being the most important because who doesn’t need Power Orbs?

I am pretty stocked on White, Holy, and Earth orbs so Phase 2 will be used to complete the Blood Madness Bonus Battles. Once Veil of Memories starts, enough stamina will of course be allocated to snatch the RM2 Crystals. This is all assuming that I am even going to able to or interested in playing Final Fantasy Record Keeper on or around Christmas (busy busy fun party time). If anyone else finds this of use, here you go.

Valigarmanda isn’t that super RNG dependent so therefore, not that irritating of a fight to complete. He also does pure magical damage so drop Defense in favor of Resistance. The general strategy that I chose is to: Get magical mitigation up ASAP, cast reflect on a spell blade, have the spell blade use Fira/ga strike on the boss, have the black mage cast Firaga on the reflected party member to avoid the counter, have Shadow not die.

The trick is, at least for my setup, to get Magic Breakdown and Shellga off before the first AoE Blizzard. With full mitigation it only hits for around 500 to 700 a pop versus well over 1k. Since I had a group regen up on all party members earlyish into the fight, that took the edge off of the AoE. Celes was more or less self sustainable with Drain Strike and Aerith just sat and spammed Curaga for anyone who got too low on health. His single target spells do hurt but are more manageable than the constant AoE spam

I don’t have Firaga Strike or Firaja honed enough to last for the duration of this fight so I used Fira Strike and Firaga instead. Fira Strike hit him for max damage and Firaga hit him for about 6k to 7k. Reflect did need to be applied roughly half way through the fight. Shellga was recast at about the same time as a precaution.

  • Celes: Fira Strike. Drain Strike when approaching/below half health
  • Setzer: Alternate between Magic and Defense Breakdown
  • Shadow: Dismissal/RW bot. Magic Break backup just in case
  • Setzer runs out of Magic Breakdown (which he did at the end of the fight)
  • Terra: Cast Firaga on Celes do that it reflects on the boss
  • Aerith: Shellga + spam heals + planet protector when possible

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