Dwarf Fortress: Chapter 1

Started playing Dwarf Fortress. I am using the Lazynewb pack with one of the included graphical tilesets, which makes it a bit more digestible for a new player. Achievements for today’s game progress include: Figuring out how to not starve over the course of x game months, brewing alcohol, assigning a bedroom. As you can see, not what I would consider the best and most robust fortress design but hey I figured out how to build something! (With the help of a tutorial).


…and here would be the aforementioned bedroom (giant room to the right). It is way too big. I had attempted to correct it by building walls around each of the beds but it looks even weirder now. In the future I will probably section off an area at the end of a long hallway with a bunch of either 1×1 or 2×2 rooms. I haven’t figured out what to do with the animals yet and am surprised that they are still alive. That shall be tonight’s project.


1 thought on “Dwarf Fortress: Chapter 1”

  1. Dwarf Fortress is one of those games that’s on my “to play” list, but man oh man is it intimidating! Good to know about the noob pack, if I ever try it I’ll have to use that myself. Otherwise I shall watch your delve with interest!


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