I dinged off of a follower quest. When it said that the reward was a significant increase to character experience, they weren’t messing around because that was a huge chunk of XP off of just one thing. In general WoW news: Everyone is getting 5 free days of WoW for the major server meltage at launch and Tuesday evening marked the second day in a row in which I was able to log on to WoW at prime time with no queue and no lag. So all in all, everything is once again okay in the World of Warcraft.
I had a pretty interesting LFG experience on Monday evening. It is always kind of a bummer having to wait an hour in the instance queue only to have the group fall apart and fail mid instance. I guess it is a pretty bad sign however, that I ended up (successfully) Retribution tanking the two bosses after the tank had died about 10 seconds into the fight. I really don’t know how monk tanks are supposed to work since I kind of skipped most of that expansion, but I am pretty sure it’s not like that. My husband takes that as an omen that I should start tanking once again so that our queue times decrease. We will have to see about that…
Really looking forward to doing the train instance. Certain people need to hurry their asses up so that we can queue for it tonight. Poke poke poke.