Category Personal Musings

Personal blog like things.

5 Random Things

I really like the way the Keeley modified DS-1 sounds in comparison to the stock pedal, which is what I have. There is an option on Robert Keeley’s website to mail your pedal in to get it modded, but that…

Cable Management

The Signum cable management rack from Ikea is the best thing ever. I finally got around to installing it and rerouting most of the wiring around my desk. No more dangly cables everywhere, huzzah! I need to do a better…

Happy June

Happy umm June! I had five or so half-completed entries milling on Google Docs for two months. By the time I got around to editing and reviewing them, all were out of date/irrelevant; Meh. Gaming stuff: I updated the guild…

Update 2/25/2008

Gruul is on farm (took a 2-month 25-man raid break during December and January), working on SSC and soon TK (flu hit key raid members this weekend, boo). We’ve been holding off-raid night Karazhan farming runs for alts and people…

October Geekology: Mixed Bag O’ Media

I have some WoW pics from brewfest, tips and other such musings for another post either tonight or tomorrow. I haven’t done a general interest/review post in a while. Oh, so November is NaNoWriMo. NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month),…

Random Bits

Meh, busy lately. Oh, Heroes is back! If you haven’t seen it, all of the episodes are available online at the official NBC site. A few other things that I have been up to when I’m not in the office…