Pre-WoD Gearing

wowscrnshot_102214_234320Thanks to circling the Timeless Isle hunting out treasure chests and what not as well as the fact that the Valor Quartermaster goodies are now available for purchase with gold, my gear is officially out of the green shit-tier status. I even managed to replace my blue 450 weapon with that one polearm available for 20k tokens from the Timeless Isle loot vendor. I still need to gem and enchant everything and in theory, I should probably also work on my tanking set, but since my gear is out of the red zone, if I really wanted I could probably join some of the lower tier MoP raids in LFR.

This activity of gearing my character up is probably pretty moot given that the expansion pack is being released pretty soon and given that it’s not like I am planning on doing any serious raiding other than occasionally hopping on LFR, but whatever. One interesting thing is that, despite not having played for almost two years (I think?) I still remember exactly where all of my retribution combat abilities are on my hotkey bar as well as what my old rotation was purely by muscle memory from hitting the same buttons repeatedly for years. A couple of things obviously were missing from the recent patch, but I am not entirely sure if I miss them?

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