Diablo 3: Release Night

In summary, if you did not receive your copy of Diablo 3 until Tuesday afternoon or evening, you did not miss out on a whole lot, given how utterly slammed the servers were (general rule of thumb: don’t really ever expect to play online games of this popularity immediately after release). I was actually able … Read more

New Computer Build: End of Q1 Edition

We ended making a gigantic Fry’s run to build a new a computer a couple of weeks back because old faithful had been in the process of giving up the ghost for a about a year and some change. for those who are curious: It was a combination of 0x124 BSODs for hal.dll (hardware abstraction … Read more

Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer No Interactions Bug

This happens to other people, right? Every once in a while (one out of every 8 to 10 games) the game will glitch out in such a way that I will not be able to interact with anything on the map. As in, unable to resurrect downed players, damage enemies, climb ladders, receive ammo or … Read more

The Apple Magic Trackpad & Windows 7

Just in case anyone else was curious, here is all of the collective knowledge that I was able to gather in regards to getting the Apple Magic Trackpad device to work in Windows 7 (64-bit in my case). It’s not really that hard, but the device seems to be somewhat finicky and just about every … Read more

Tribes Ascend Beta

I have been playing Tribes Ascend a lot lately, or more accurately: a lot pre-Mass Effect 3 (forgot to publish this entry :P). Admittedly, for whatever reason, this game is my first real descent into the Tribes series. The game itself is a free-to-play class based science fiction themed multiplayer FPS. It is currently in … Read more

On The Raid Finder

Two weeks of Dragon Soul runs since returning to WoW after a two month Skyrim/whatever break and I manage to snag 5/5 pieces of Tier 13. Nice. This almost makes up for 6 years of bad rolls. Also, if you were in that one run with me where I broke the one item per run … Read more

Skyrim: Dragon vs Draugr

Just clearing out, encoding, and uploading some of the videos that I have laying around in my FRAPS folder. If I recall correctly, this video was recorded at some point during Skyrim’s launch day. I don’t remember exactly what level I was at, but that draugr was way way hard. Conveniently, a dragon happened to … Read more

HTPC Build

The build listed in the chart below is what we ended up running with for the HTPC that we built at the end of December. At long last, the dream has been realized. The ASRock motherboard that we had originally ordered off of Newegg arrived DOA, so it was RMA’d back and replaced with a … Read more