Blizzard Fortress 2

Well, I can’t say that I was expecting Overwatch or even a game like Overwatch to be announced at BlizzCon this year, but I was really hoping that new intellectual property would be announced and that is exactly what I received I guess. I am pretty sure that the last new piece of IP released … Read more

Pre-WoD Gearing

Thanks to circling the Timeless Isle hunting out treasure chests and what not as well as the fact that the Valor Quartermaster goodies are now available for purchase with gold, my gear is officially out of the green shit-tier status. I even managed to replace my blue 450 weapon with that one polearm available for 20k … Read more

Look What I Finally Did

More than a couple of people that I know in-game and in real-life, aside from my husband, are playing World of Warcraft again or at least constantly talking about it. So after about a year and a half to two years of not playing, I actually resubscribed to WoW. Ugh though, it’s frustrating going from … Read more

Updated Sims 4 Wishlist

In lieu of the post embargo Sims 4 news influx, here’s a an updated list/commentary on things that I would like to see in The Sims 4. First and foremost, despite the lack of swimming pools, toddlers, and the other numerous features that were cut, what I really really want from The Sims 4 above … Read more