[FFRK] Bahamut’s Lair (U+)

Decided to experiment with AirServer + OBS Studio and record the entire encounter. Bahamut wasn’t nearly as bad as U+ Cagnazzo (…in which I pretty much ran out of every single ability and barely scraped by with a mastery). Having literally zero Final Fantasy III synergy hurts though.

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Roaming Warrior: Lenna (Princess’ Favor)
Notable Soul Breaks: Blade Beam, Air Strike, Shout, Tailwind, Sentinel’s Grimoire, Dreamstage

Two re-dos of this fight were required: The first because I had forgotten to swap out Thundaga Strike with Aerora Strike and the second because I had forgotten to equip Power Breakdown. Aside from that, it was a straightforward encounter. Bahamut hits pretty hard with both physical as well as magical damage even with full mitigation up, but it is manageable as long as you recast Wall/Shellga/etc before it completely drops off. The first half of the fight is physical AoE damage for the most part. I couldn’t fit Protectga into my party configuration but Power Breakdown mitigated enough of the damage to make it survivable. Dreamstage + Air Strike during the second half of the fight = MVP.

I probably should have equipped a damage RM over Ace Striker on Cloud since Aerora Strike was hitting pretty high with Shout, but not at the damage cap. Also, I ended up accidentally fat finger casting Tailwind instead of Shout about half-way through the fight, which cut my damage by quite a bit :3.

Operation Black Shield 2014 [Airsoft Video]

From Operation Black Shield at SC Village on Saturday July 19th, 2014. My gun is on 3 round burst, not full auto. For most of the first game (in the video), the weather was overcast and cool, which was great, especially since I was expecting it to be at least in the high 90s. Unfortunately, it was fairly humid making the weather ideal for goggle fogging. Until the sun came out or unless I was facing a breeze, I couldn’t really see a whole lot. I guess it’s time to buy some anti-fog wipes.

The game itself was a blast. We had originally signed up on the US side (tan), but were moved over to the other team as equalizers. Despite being grossly outnumbered we effectively, shut them out (for the first 3 games iirc).