KeiUI 4.0 Info & Download Link

A couple of people have requested my UI setup, so here you all go; Many apologies for the uuuh delay lol. A full description of KeUI is included in this post. This interface has been exclusively designed for and used on a 1920×1080 windowed setup. It should however, still work properly with any windowed 16:9 ratio screen resolution.

As a word of warning, I don’t play anything else other than Keiya most of the time so my interface is very retribution paladin centric (though I am looking into more class generic addons to replace things like Holytrinity and clcret). If anyone else uses a Logitech G13 and is interested in how I bind everything in accordance with my G13 profile, the keybindings configuration files are included within the WTF folder.

Installation Instructions
I sanitized all of the addon profiles as best as I could. After a fresh install, the correct profiles for each mod should load without having to fuss around with Reflux. If you want to use your file, just make sure to set the following values:

SET gxResolution “1920×1080″”
SET gxWindow “1”
SET uiScale “0.76999998092651”

Aside from that, setup is standard fair. I have included general instructions below; If you need more assistance, Tankspot has one of the better guides that I have seen in regards to uploading, downloading and configuring custom UI setups.

  1. Please please please make sure to backup your original Interface, WTF and Fonts folders. Both are located within your World of Warcraft root directory. Either rename both of these folders to something like, WTF_OLD or create a new folder and move them into it.
  2. Download the .zip file attached to this article and extract it into your World of Warcraft directory. The .zip file should contain three folders: Interface, WTF and Fonts.
  3. The following folders within the WTF folder will need to be renamed: YOUR_ACCOUNT_NAME, YOUR_SERVER_NAME and YOUR_CHARACTER_NAME to your login name, server name and character name respectively.
  4. Login to WoW. At the character selection screen click on the “Addon” button located on the lower left. Click the checkbox at the top labeled, “Load out of date addons.” All of the major addons included within my UI compilation should be fairly recent, but I can’t guarantee how often this .zip file will be updated.
  5. Load your character and enjoy.

List of addons
The list of visible addons are included below.

  • Bartender 4
  • Chocolate Bar
  • ClassTimer
  • CLCRet
  • HolyTrinity
  • MikScrollingBattleText
  • Omen
  • OmniCC
  • oRA3
  • Pitbull4
  • Prat 3.0
  • Recount
  • SexyMap
  • SimpleTankFrames
  • TidyPlates
  • XPBarNone

If anyone has a request or configuration question, I would be happy to address them in this thread or via email when I have time.


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