


ACNL Island Beetle Farming Guide

Want to make 300 bells in 15 to 20 minutes without using the stalk market or resorting to duping? Farm beetles on the island. The basic idea is that the island has a low creature spawn limit: As in, only…

On Pirating Things

1. I don’t feel piracy is theft in the traditional sense (a direct deprivation of another’s property; As in, X had a car but now does not because it was stolen). That said, if your only motivation for piracy is…

FFVIII (Steam) FMV Audio Stutter Fix

The Steam release of Final Fantasy VIII is a pretty terrible and lazy port. FYI, If anyone else is using an ASUS Xonar sound card and has been experiencing a sound stutter approximately every minute into any FFVIII FMV sequence…

A Year in Gaming: 2013

My very short term gaming resolution for 2014: I shall make no more purchases off of Steam until I finish some of the games that I already own; And by ‘already own,’ I am specifically referring to the 4 games…

Papers, Please Cheat Sheet

I photoshopped all of the regional information and important pages from the rule book for the sake of having a quick reference guide to keep open on the other screen while I am playing Papers, Please. I guess doing so…

Toy Day and What Not (ACNL)

I am glad that there are other people in this world who have spreadsheets and odd notes devoted to Animal Crossing and the like. It’s worth noting for future reference that the gift hints do reset when a villager moves…