Month July 2008

Keiya’s Favorite Game Endings

SPOILER ALERT! An article about game endings naturally spoils the endings to games. I know that there are more that should be mentioned, but there are quite a few games that I have never played, finished, or just don’t remember…

Cable Management

The Signum cable management rack from Ikea is the best thing ever. I finally got around to installing it and rerouting most of the wiring around my desk. No more dangly cables everywhere, huzzah! I need to do a better…

Playing: July 28th

I have interest in tinkering with this site again, hehe. Entering a general gaming lull: there’s not a whole lot new or interesting releases coming until Fall. WoW wise, I think expansionitis is setting in for half the server o_O.…

Playing: July 14th

I feel like blogging again. Super Stardust HD SSHD is an arcade style shooter (destroy anything that moves, collect power-ups, dodge anything that moves and isn’t a power-up) available on the PSN. Oh God it’s crack…and has over the past…