Month September 2007

2.3 Speculations and Quotations

So I suppose I’m back from my unofficial posting hiatus. The new theme is a template, I’ll tinker with the layout replace the Drupal logo with something else later; I don’t have access to Photoshop or my WoW screenshots…

Patch 2.2 Musings

There is (site) server maintenance scheduled for this Friday and Saturday from 11pm to 6:30am. So it was patch day last night! The instancing servers completely borked, kicking us all out. We had to cancel the run, though I guess…

Gear & Gruul Update

I am thinking that Gruul is just one of those fights where everyone has to get used to positioning. After everyone can stay out of the cave-in and position for Shatter fast without dying, focus can shift exclusively to maximizing…

WoW Update 9/21/07

Look, I’m blogging again. Haven’t been in the mood to write long articles lately, so I have gone into a state of update dormancy while I goof off with other things 😛 (My attention shifts between various spare time activities).…

Weapon Expertise

It's been a while since I've posted any sort of entry. I cycle between periods of feeling like, and not feeling like posting articles here just in case no one noticed. Oh, Maulgar down to my guild on our second…