WoW Web Stats

If you don’t already use it, WoW Web Stats is an excellent performance analysis tool. It’s probably the most accurate and detailed out of all the current mods and combat log parsers out there. It doesn’t display information in real time though like DamageMeters or Recount. You have to instead, enable combat logging (/combatlog or something, that will write everything in your CombatLog to a txt file in WoW/logs) and then upload it to the site. If you don’t want to manually toggle it, there are mods that will do it automatically in accordance with what zone you are in. LoggerHead is a good Ace2 mod with said functionality.

Things that I found interesting, based off of a rather small sample size: 

  • I migitate roughtly 25% of all normal incoming damage via block/armor (normal as in not a special attack or spell). Roughly 54% of all damage is avoided.
  • In a night’s run, I seem to let a few crushing blows slip by. I’ve noticed that when I engage a boss, I don’t always get Holy Shield up by the time I’m within the mob’s hitbox. I’m not sure if the rest are from spell lag, me not minding my spell rotations, or positioning issues.
  • Consecration does roughly 30% of my total damage on a boss fight, followed by Holy Shield at around 20% – 25%. Seal of Whatever comes up third at around 15% to 20%.
  • On fast attacking bosses (Halazzi), Holy Shield comes out on top at around 40% of my overall fight damage (it’s uber nice, TPS goes way over 1.5k)
  • In my off-tanking gear Lay on Hands crit heals for 25871, lol.

WoW Update: 1/14/2008

The forums have changed yet again. Toying with new software.

I’ve picked up quiet a few items since the last time I’ve posted: The Pauldons of Stone Resolve from the timed chest event in Zul’Aman, the tanking boots from the first boss in ZA, the badge reward tanking coal, the badge reward tanking belt (not the spell one), tons of ZA crit gear, and the healing mace from Maiden in KZ. I’m at around 15277 HP unbuffed; Just need to chant my healing crap now (boo, expensive).

Observations: I’ve pretty much outgeared all of Karazhan. I’ve been having to swap into spell damage gear on most of the fights otherwise I go out of mana too fast (which is fine with me pew pew pew). Also noticing that tankadins are especially nice on some of the fast attacking ZA boss encounters because of Improved Holy Shield’s 8 charges. I think Shield Wall is being proc’d off too fast on some of the warriors, who are getting crushed.

Oh, the mini-patch added a neat feature: When you perform a readycheck, marks will appear next to the names in the raid screen showing who is ready and who is AFK. Some of the custom UI’s have integrated this feature as well. That is super duper handy.